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  1. bluescat510

    Anyone gay here?

  2. bluescat510

    Anti Estrogen Advice

    Hard to pin point whether Anadrol was the culprit. Each person reacts differently and only way to know is if you ran the same amount of test, gotten bloodwork, and compare. I personally taper off each blast using 50% dose for 1-2 weeks. You are correct, you take AI as needed basis. I'm only...
  3. bluescat510

    What ratios of each should I take?

    Deca 150/wk is a waste of time. Better off running tren at low-moderate dose with test.
  4. bluescat510

    Anavar dose...been a while

    half tab (25mg) in morning and the other half in evening since its got a short half life. off topic: introducing 1 compound at a time is ideal as you'll know how you react to that very compound and its dosage. if you have experience with primo before, then disregard
  5. bluescat510

    New to steroids...

    You're about to inject things in your body but haven't gotten a basic cycle planned out yet. OP, I hope you hold off and continue to train hard/eat right and use this time to research what a beginner cycle is, the "what if's" that can occur, what you need on hand in event XYZ happens, etc...
  6. bluescat510

    What advancements have been in PED in the last 20 years?

    AAS greatness remains the same. I'd say availability and procurement of it has advanced. The stories of OG's having to buy gear face to face via cash. As UGL's opened up, folks were able to purchase via mail with alternative forms of payment. Now we have unlimited UGLs and bitcoin is the...
  7. bluescat510


    Depends how its stored. I store mine in a case in room temp. Have pinned vials 2 years old with no issues.
  8. bluescat510

    I'm taking Tren Ace at 700 mg for the first time

    I'm sure this will go into deaf ears. 17% bf is not only high to reap the benefits of tren but the cost of jeopardizing your health as its a extremely harsh compound. For a recomp at 17%, you can easily achieve lower bf on a caloric deficit and/or cardio with just test.
  9. bluescat510

    Cycle Adjustments...

    Solid advice by dick_starbuck. Sounds like you were off your game for some period of time and recently making a come back (which is great). Just to echo what was mentioned...consider going hard in the gym and nutrition natty for few months before taking AAS. Fine tune your routine, diet plan...
  10. bluescat510

    Which was your first Test Ester and why?

    Test E/C cause only had to pin 2x/week and stuck with it for every cycle since. And pinning E once a week doesn't yield ideal stable levels
  11. bluescat510

    Golf Balls/Knots in Delts from High Concentrate Test

    have they remained same size since? did you happen to see a doctor to verify its not an infection?
  12. bluescat510


    what the 2 above said^ running tren AND deca is not wise
  13. bluescat510

    Who was your first source?

    over a decade ago I bought from a local gym rat/friend. he charged double of what a vial cost cause he took all the risk. eventually he moved away and I been using LnL ever since.
  14. bluescat510

    My doctor is not happy with my AAS use

    You're well aware you are beyond TRT, not sure why you're upset. Your doctors reaction was expected. Doctor prescribed you a protocol and you ignored it doing your own thing. No doctor is going to lose his/her career by going outside of their practice. Your self protocol is more than just...
  15. bluescat510

    Color of Deca

    Likely the source. I've used tren that was bronze and others that had yellow tint and both worked fine.
  16. bluescat510

    Increase cum shot size

    this has worked for me. IIRC it was called the holy grail of cum or something. idk if its placebo but when I'm on 3 weeks of HCG, i noticed more volume as well.
  17. bluescat510

    Cycle Question

    it depends. what are your goals, cycle experience, and years of lifting?
  18. bluescat510

    Lock and Load Labs - Test U - 120mg/wk - 877ng/dl

    Source @LockandLoadLabs Test Ester Running Testosterone Undecanoate Weekly Testosterone Dose (mg) 120mg/E7D Other Compounds in Cycle @LockandLoadLabs 12.5mg Aromasin tablets Weekly Dose Other Compounds (mg) 12.5mg Aromasin. Was used on a as needed basis. *Average about 12.5mg tab...
  19. bluescat510

    Crashing E2, Aromasin vs Adex

    I've never used adex but exclusively used aromasin the past decade. I've crashed my e2 once and that was on my 2nd blast mid cycle taking 12.5mg EOD for 2 weeks. I read bad info on forums, was naive, and learned after the fact that elevated e2 is acceptable when test is high. Legit aromasin...