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  • Ok, I've decided to run an unreasonable and probably unhealthy cycle.... Because why not. 250mg test/1200mg EQ/50mg dbol for until I get bored or my blood work screams STOOOOOP. This won't be until the new year because I've got more important things to drop cash on right now lol
    I am burnt out injecting... No more hgh for this guy, hell I don't even wanna bother with my test anymore LOL. Lost 12lbs from not being able to eat properly due to an oral abscess, so that sucks too.... It's gonna be winter soon so I gotta design a nice oral cycle to bulk with.
    Where is everyone buying affordable botox and dysport? Dragon Ordnance has it for $325, but it's $100 more than usual. Pharma HGH has been out of stock for some time now. Any other reliable sources?
    Is this old age? 100mg adrol has me feeling so bad it's making me WORSE in the gym lol... Orals used to make me feel good, I feel like I've been betrayed.
    Ok... Apparently after 4 times in the last year trying to quit vaping doing a tren cycle is the answer. 2nd week on 250mg tren and tren lungs plus vape lungs is killing me. Walking around home Depot has me gasping, just chucked my vape in the trash. I CANNOT survive tren plus vape 😂
    Tell me about it I vape nic salts and I feel like I'm suffocating in bed at night running this Tren Ace. I'll probably chuck mine too soon but I'm addicted.
    Same... Honestly I'll probably start right back up seconds after I'm feeling ok again. Hooray addition
    New fear unlocked, Just accidentally dropped a pin after injection and it bounced off the table and stabbed my dick... Wtf
    I've dropped it from table height before and it landed needle down, dead center of my foot, standing plunger-side straight up perfectly like I pulled off some neat trick lolll 🥴🤢 I think getting stabbed in the dick is worse, though, depending on the gage 😂🤮
    Here we go again boys, 3rd times the charm? Just ran out of vape stuff so time to quit.
    U gotta want it brother! It took me a week to stop withdrawing and 4-6 weeks to stop reaching in my pockets every 5 min looking for my vape. I do miss those delicious flavors, but it aint worth it! U got this!
    So far so good hahaha.... I need to buy stock in a farm though, I've been keeping a cooler full of apples in my car with me to distract myself. Who knew you could bulk with apples
    Alright boys, 1st day no nicotine started... Wish me luck lol
    Nicoderm patches lowest strength 7(mg). Helps with withdrawals.

    Such a low dose over 24 hours you wouldn’t get any buzz or anything but they come in hand.

    Just an fyi
    It gets easier after you pass the stage of not thinking about it. Gets harder after you start that process over.
    Deleted member 21405
    Good luck. I smoked for a long ass time. Switched to dip because I couldn't take the smell on my fingers anymore. Couple years of that and I just lost the taste and stopped. You can do it 😁
    Alright you bastards are no help hahaha. Gonna start my long bulk cycle 500 test/400 mast/600 EQ. gonna slow bulk to 225lbs from 185lbs currently after completing my cut. 6pack achieved, I hate being lean, Strength took a massive hit.

    Will be running this cycle until I hit 225 or I die, whichever comes first. Mast is there because I run it with my TRT and it's in my cupboard so why not just up the dose a bit
    RIP E2
    Replace the mast with deca
    I need to find a gear source in canada anyone plz help me I live in such a small town and I'm not on any social media or know where to find it I have been rippednoff online alrdy and really don't want to repeat that
    Right, it's been two weeks since I asked for a script refill from my clinic... They are "looking into it". Well when I get it I'm stoping my business with them, it's been getting worse and worse. Back to UGL TRT, and now I'll be able to afford to cruise on 200mg primo with it haha
    Test and my AI. But at 175 a month it was getting hard to justify the terrible CS anymore. I can cruise on test/primo for like a 1/4 the cost using UGL
    Deleted member 21405
    For real. Used to be $500 every three months for labs and consult even though I had internet access to labs and know how to read them. Then it was $225. Used to be $180 and they lied about the price going up. And this was for 10ml. Then they would make appointments and I would show up and the doors locked even though they said they're gonna be there late for me then they shipped to the wrong house and blamed me.
    Good God that's horrible. Mine was a flat 175 for 175mg a week plus however many adex pills. They only asked for follow up blood work once lol. I just can't be having literally over 2 weeks for fulfillment of my script with ZERO communication
    Well my body finally decided it wants to cooperate with my cut again and suddenly I'm 188lbs haha. Woops, gotta up the calories a tad to stay at 190 until late June. Then it's cycle plan and blast off for...... Until I feel like not anymore. Ideally I want to be 220lbs at the end and I plan on a very slow gain of as much lean tissue as possible while maintaining dat 6 pack.
    Lol great, got me a spicy nipple for some reason... I thought masteron was supposed to HELP lower estrogen wtf. Increased my TRT to 200mg a week and I'm using 300mg a week of masteron ontop of my m/w/f doses of .5mg adex

    Time for bloodwork damn it
    So my weight hasn't budged from 193lbs lol... I refuse to eat under 2000cals, I'm starving. So it's on to Albuterol and caffeine baby!
    Sounds like you need a refeed
    That's entirely possible... My wife just took me out to a new poke bowl place haha had a MASSIVE bowl.
    Needs to be eaten IN ADDITION to your other meals. Go have an extra burger and fries or something plus all your other food. You’ll gain and drop below this plateau again within a week
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