I am 42 5’9 216 lbs . I was running 600 mg sus. 300 tren e . The yk11. Those are the anabolics I have ran currently
My workout partner is 56 . 5’9 256 lbs . He just runs 150 mg trt .
I noticed when we do my sumo machine posterior workout.
He went up to his max since we have...
Workout 4 quads
Belt squats explosive
6 sets of 3-5
Leg press
3-5 sets of 10-6
1 maximum set
Hack squats
3-4 sets of 10-15
Leg extensions
3 sets of 10-15
Belt squats
2-4 x15-25
Seated leg curls
2-3 sets 10-15
Back , rear delts , posterior training
Incline db pullovers
2 warms up sets
1 maximum set
Underhand pulldowns
2-3 warms ups
1 maximum set
Bent over barbell rows
2-3 warms ups
1 maximum set
Unilateral machine rows
2 warm up
1 maximum set
High pulley cable seated rows to hips
First workout made
Sir Nigus Intensified Training
Workout 1 Shoulders & Triceps
Machine overhead press
3-5 x 5-3
1 maximum Effort set
Machine laterals machine
2-3 sets of 6-8 slow eccentrics
1 maximum effort set
Unilateral cable laterals
1 warm up set x10 reps
1 maximum...
The amounts or portion sizes of the carbs are a lot as I eat tons of rice and so on with my meats .
Yes I alternate between strict Yates hit program at times and then Layne nortons phat program . My routine I used for the past 2 months has been more like Yates in Methodology. When I return...
Observation :
Noticed I am now 5 weeks into tren e had my first night sweat . Room was on 60 degrees ace ac yet woke up drenched in sweat !
Also just sweating a lot during workouts !
I just had mad crazy hungries!
Made a milk protein shake with 2 scoops of chocolate iso 100 with 2 scoops of high protein peanut butter powder
Chugged it
Then ate two smoked Turkey sandwiches