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  1. P

    My review for HP

    As always hp comes through, quick reply to emails, quick delivery, great product. Can’t say enough great things about that company. This is my opinion take it as you will but for me it’s the only company I’ve used and will use.
  2. P

    [Source] Hunter Pharm - SOURCE REMOVED

    im not saying the complaints aren't valid or whatever is up if people are in fact having issues. im just saying for me ive had zero issues, i email, i get emails back, i buy, i get it fast. over 2 years ive used HP and zero issues ever. but thats for me that dont mean its okay for everyone else...
  3. P

    [Source] Hunter Pharm - SOURCE REMOVED

    Don’t get all these complaints maybe I just have good luck? Anytime I email I’m always respectful just like I would be to someone’s face if I were in their store shopping. Always get emails back and always get great products. This thread is shocked me to read when I’ve never had an issue over 2...
  4. P

    [Source] Hunter Pharm - SOURCE REMOVED

    I emailed him last Friday to verify shop was open, got a reply saying he’s open, emailed back said I placed my order got a reply back saying he’s open received it and bc the weekend it may be shipped Monday but he got it shipped sat and Monday I received my stuff. Exp date is all in 2028 and...
  5. P

    Recommended source?

    I appreciate that info
  6. P

    [Source] Hunter Pharm - SOURCE REMOVED

    You ordered through HP?
  7. P

    Recommended source?

    Hello, new guy still and looking for advice. I only have ordered from HP and I just saw a lot of crazy stuff going on with them not sure what’s up. My question is can anyone point me to a good source us domestic to buy from? I was about to place an order since I’m now able to get back to...
  8. P

    [OFFICIAL] Old Guys Thread

    Hey guys saw the post says 40+ only 39 so hoped I could slide in. I’ve taken some stuff here and there while powerlifting and hit some decent numbers was trying to get even higher ones but I’m not aloud to do that anymore per my wife after surgery so gotta try and learn to body build and cut...
  9. P

    New guy but not new

    Idk if I ever posted but I’m sort of new. I’ve taken cycles but never really dug into it as much as I’m seeing people do and that’s probably why my results while they have been good they aren’t great. Ignorant in this field for sure but open to any advice. 38/m that power lifts. 255 lbs at 5’11...
  10. P

    My experience with hunterpharm

    New to this stuff so struggled with the payment methods but reached out to them via email and got a quick response and very professional. I had no idea how to do this stuff but they understood and gave me Information on how it works. Once I got it all figured out my Oder was made and shipped...
  11. P

    Looking for advice

    Sorry for the late reply I didn’t get a notification. I’ve not done blood work gotta get that done. There is so much that goes into this I never really thought about it all. I’m going to be eating roughly .8g protein per lb body weight and around .5 carb and fat still working out kinks. Water...
  12. P

    Looking for advice

    How’s it going, I’m looking for advice on what would be a good cycle to run to help with cutting. I used test and deca and did powerlifting for awhile but the body said stop between heavy lifting and work. I’m 5’11 270 around 25% body fat I’m also 37. I’ve got a meal plan and will do some...