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  1. S

    Addition to my long terrm cruise+?

    You really are retarded. If you had your glands removed you can’t get gyno or else they didn’t get the whole gland out. But yes your absolutey wrong. Show me a scientific proven study that shows or anything for that matter that shows it’ll cause gyno in 3 days. Go back to Reddit where you belong
  2. S

    Addition to my long terrm cruise+?

    Dbol can definitely cause gyno but not a chance in hell it did it in 3 days. Nothing will cause gyno from none that fast not even dbol or ment. If it truly did you already had it and didn’t know and the dbol just exacerbated it quickly. There are signs and symptoms leading up to the actual...
  3. S

    Frequent injuries; Defficiency??

    Nandralone doesn’t do anything for collagen that I’m aware of it will increase synovial fluid in the joints to help lubricate them. Anavar is actually know to increase collagen. That said a healthier option would be a good callogen supplement. You can take that year round with zero negative...
  4. S

    [SOURCE]-Superior HRT- Both MCT & GSO available! ✅️Janoshik reports posted✅️ Best Quality Products, Customer Service, Shipping, Since 2021

    These 2 statements are 100% wrong. My dr writes my test scripts and a couple other scripts I’m prescribed that are scheduled substances and I get 3 months filled at a time every time I pick it up from CVS and have 2-3 refills on each script. They are also filled automatically by the pharmacy...
  5. S

    Delivery failed, I’m expected to order again?

    Absolutely makes sense as he didn’t get the pack back when it got kicked back so yes he would lose money if he reships it again because of your mistake. Did you really think sources use their real address for a return address? Honestly with it being your mistake you’re lucky he offered a...
  6. S

    CosmicPCT - US/INT Generic/Turkish Pharma - Pharma Meds, Anabolics, HGH & Ancillaries - US Generic HGH 100IU $85 & Peptides (Tirze/Sema/Reta)

    Go to your local junky clinic if they have needle exchanges? Could always order online and have it shipped to someone you know outside of your state and then have them resend them to you. Where there’s a will there’s a way lol
  7. S

    Really high test level on bloods

    Nandrolone will give false e2 readings unless you get the ultra sensitive e2 test supposedly. Aromasin is a steroidal ai so it could be adding to you ur number slightly but not too much. You could be a hyper responder and if so that a great thing means You can get away with lower doses in blast...
  8. S

    CosmicPCT - US/INT Generic/Turkish Pharma - Pharma Meds, Anabolics, HGH & Ancillaries - US Generic HGH 100IU $85 & Peptides (Tirze/Sema/Reta)

    My thoughts too. Indian hcg is well known to be way way underdosed. Not bashing this source it’s all Indian sources. I found out first hand after it was too late but I didn’t research it enough first and that was on me so I try to let as many people as I can know before they waste their money.
  9. S

    [SOURCE] PCT.ZONE - USA, UK, EU DOM & INT - Pharma Grade - India Generic Pharma - BEST PRICE GUARANTEE

    Does he use a domestic reshipper or is it straight to you through customs?
  10. S

    Addition to my long terrm cruise+?

    I It’s rare but sometimes they miss some of the gland so that’s very possible
  11. S

    Addition to my long terrm cruise+?

    Regardless of what professor know it all said yes masteron and primo both can be brutal on some peoples hair. All DHT compounds can be. Doesn’t mean they will for sure but it definitely can.
  12. S

    [SOURCE] PCT.ZONE - USA, UK, EU DOM & INT - Pharma Grade - India Generic Pharma - BEST PRICE GUARANTEE

    Thanks I’ll try to delve more into it and let you know if I find anything. Again appreciate the info I hate paying all those btc fees it adds up pretty quick
  13. S

    [SOURCE] PCT.ZONE - USA, UK, EU DOM & INT - Pharma Grade - India Generic Pharma - BEST PRICE GUARANTEE

    Very interesting I didn’t know this was possible. So are you sending directly to the source that way instead of to an external wallet first I take it? Appreciate the information
  14. S

    [Source] BioPharmaUSA

    Pu Put them on a candle warmer, coffee hot plate, or glass stove top burner for 20-30 minutes and they’ll go right back into solution. Once it’s back in solution leave it on there for another 10-15 minutes and it should stay in solution just remove them and let them set out in the counter to...
  15. S

    CosmicPCT - US/INT Generic/Turkish Pharma - Pharma Meds, Anabolics, HGH & Ancillaries - US Generic HGH 100IU $85 & Peptides (Tirze/Sema/Reta)

    Not saying this is the case for sure but, it’s Christmas time and usps is always extremely overloaded and slow. A domestic pack shouldn’t take that long by any means but it could’ve got missed and maybe will be delivered still. If it doesn’t and they don’t make it right then that’s a big NO for me.
  16. S

    [SOURCE] PCT.ZONE - USA, UK, EU DOM & INT - Pharma Grade - India Generic Pharma - BEST PRICE GUARANTEE

    Is this something you do directly from your btc wallet? Never heard of it before.
  17. S

    Found my prohormone stack from 2014. CMA, Trendione, Epistane, DMZ

    Love epistane. Wish you could still get it easily. Had a chance to grab some a while back and a fantastic price and was going to buy a huge stash of sealed bottles of it but someone beat me to the punch and bought them all before I could lol
  18. S

    Has anyone used the prohormone arimistane for an Ai

    I’ve never used any of their products but I know people who have with good results so I went to look to see if they had it and it appears that Ironmag Labs sells an estrogen control that appears to be the structure of actual arimistane if I read your post correctly. Btw you can use my buddies...