Yeah several of them got more MCT so they could dilute it down. Probably about 1,000 post ago one of the people ordered it for his first cycle and complained about pip. Was kind of humorous.
If you go through the post history several people have used it and complained about pip. They use MCT oil. Not sure what the HC is unless it stands for high concentration.
I think somebody needs to take an AI and lay off the Tren for a week or two. @JJJ18 cough cough @JJJ18 E2 is higher than his wife’s at this point.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he was crying after a Mr.Clean commercial because the way he cleaned up for her was just so sweet.
If I where you I would research the detection times of any AAS that gets recommended as some are still detectable for 6+ months.
So if you go on a 12 week cycle right now you will finish in June 2024. Well 6-18 months later is not August 2024. So I would do a lot of research before you risk...
@CaffeineandKilos maybe @Seeder real problem is he took a chick home that had a bigger dick then he did 🤷
It happens to everybody once. Nothing to get upset about.
I was wondering anybody used Deca long term? I have been reading about its dosing for therapeutic treatment for things such as joint pain, anemia, etc.
So I was kind of curious if anybody here ever continued use at the 50-100mg dosage every 2-4 weeks. If so do you see continued benefit for...
I use a spread sheet to track my calories that way I can have an up to date TDEE which makes it super easy while cutting or bulking.
Edit: I would also stop using it at the end beginning of a cycle where you will have large water weight fluctuations. It will throw it off for a long time due to...