Hey everyone first time purchasing HGH and came across this source on eroids, unfortunately didn't do my do diligence and researched enough and just trusted other users experience on that website.
Upon checking on alley-gh with the serial number and vaidation code on the box it turns out the...
I'm a lurker, so not much post history but I've been seeing this a lot and decided it's time for a post explaining exactly what's going on and how to avoid it.
Scammers are creating email accounts that look legit by replacing lowercase "L" with uppercase "i".
Example: anabolic and anaboIic...
Something seems Fishy. On MESO (https://thinksteroids.com/community/threads/oxygenpharm-canadian-source-for-aas.134410126/) His proton emails AND website is not the same then on here. On his posting on the canadien source it seems like most post are from newer, shilling account. Looks like a big...
Contacted source via reddit user illeniumfan22. Directed to purchase via the proton mail at dyanmiterawsint e-mail address. Submitted order for Test and Tren totaling $450. They provided the total and the bitcoin wallet. Funds were transferred and user...