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That caveman guy who eats raw meat is saucin right?!


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Jun 6, 2022
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Its funny he calls himself liver king and talks about how he lives all natural yet he is almost 100 percent on the juice (more than test E imo)


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2021
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I'll paraphrase Stan Efferding's take on Mike O'hearn because it applies here as well:

Is he on steroids? I fucking hope so. To look and perform that well, if he's not on anything then we're all playing 2nd to this guy and nobody stands a chance if he ever hops on.

Nobody can ever truly know for sure except him and whoever he's told about his usage (if any), but this (poorly quoted) take on him and anyone else you question the natty status of is a good way to look at it.


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Jan 31, 2022
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Can't stand how he refers to himself in 3rd person. He's for sure sauced to the gills or maybe eating bull testicles fresh out the sack raises test to 3000ng lol we'll never know. BUT hes insanely successful so I do give him some credit regardless if I like his content or not.. apparently hes bringing in $2mil a month on just his bogus supplement line thats fucking insane.


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Jun 6, 2022
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Can't stand how he refers to himself in 3rd person. He's for sure sauced to the gills or maybe eating bull testicles fresh out the sack raises test to 3000ng lol we'll never know. BUT hes insanely successful so I do give him some credit regardless if I like his content or not.. apparently hes bringing in $2mil a month on just his bogus supplement line thats fucking insane.
Lmao imagine the nerve of selling a supplement while youre taking tren and whatever else behind the scenes. All the sheep buy it and think they will look like him


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May 21, 2020
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Ah really! guess I should stop eating the 5 pounds of raw liver per day then....... I was just getting used to the black shits I have been having😣


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Jul 20, 2021
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This is gonna be a hot sports opinion.

I think liver king is natural. That being said, I wouldn’t exactly be mind blown if I’m completely wrong. But genetic freaks do exist and I think he might be one of them. This is apparently him when he was 15.

we’ve all seen the pics of guys like Jay, Ronnie, lee oreist, etc. when they were in high school and looked fucking insane. Couple some wild genetics with a guy like liver king, who seems to have been born into money (assuming) and done well for himself, with perfect conditions, sleep, private chefs making every meal fresh, all the time and recourses to sleep, take ice baths, whatever for decades. Not that crazy to think 20 yrs of that could get you pretty yoked, especially if you were already in the elite gene pool.

He also could be a red all the time from eating cheeseburgers and pork rinds all day and chasing cows. I mean after all, I don’t think anyone else is doing what he’s doing. So while it is far fetched, we don’t know.

Also, he’s 220. That’s pretty big, but it’s not like he’s 280.


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Jul 20, 2021
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I should also mention that I can’t stand the guy, but I think there’s a real possibility he’s natural. But I could be super wrong.


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Sep 9, 2022
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Liver King is the perfect example of an idiot leading idiots.

He talks about living primal, but lives on a multi million dollar property. I'd love drop him off in a south american jungle and watch him cry and whine like a little girl.

Yes he's on gear, he probably had ab implants. His wife is probably saucin and ab implanted as well.

He also stated that he doesn't do bloodwork, so that tells you the level of IQ this guy has.
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Mar 10, 2022
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Here’s my take on him. If were him and I was facing so many accusations of AAS use although I was natty then I would film myself going to Quest/LabCorp to get a standard hormone panel completed, and then I would film myself going onto their respective websites, log on, and show my test results.

It’s such an easy fix to the accusations. He could also submit to a AAS drug screen. But he doesn’t do this. Why not? Because he’s sauced to the gills. And as we’re all familiar every normie (the majority that buy his products) will chalk up all of his success to his AAS use rather than the liver and raw meat bullshit which would hurt his bottom line.


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Sep 9, 2022
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Here’s my take on him. If were him and I was facing so many accusations of AAS use although I was natty then I would film myself going to Quest/LabCorp to get a standard hormone panel completed, and then I would film myself going onto their respective websites, log on, and show my test results.

It’s such an easy fix to the accusations. He could also submit to a AAS drug screen. But he doesn’t do this. Why not? Because he’s sauced to the gills. And as we’re all familiar every normie (the majority that buy his products) will chalk up all of his success to his AAS use rather than the liver and raw meat bullshit which would hurt his bottom line.
It would have to be a completely random drug test to where he would have no clue it's coming. Perhaps showing up at a podcast with a phlebotomist to collect blood and urine and tell him point blank to put up or shut up, backing him up against the wall and if he refuses they go to work destroying his name.

It's time people started shutting these clowns down, not because he uses gear which no one cares, but because his diet is bullshit, his lifestyle is completely fake and I personally enjoy watching people who get rich by selling bullshit supplements using the ancestral angle to con being flushed.

He does live in Texas and that state does have rather harsh steroid laws, so he could be paranoid about getting busted, but that's the risk you take for being a celebrity.


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Jun 15, 2021
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I'm just so tired of hearing about this guy. Everyone knows he is on sauce, he knows it is insane to deny it - but he is following the O'Hearn PR plan and staying relevant because of the "controversy". The moment he is honest no one will give a shit about him anymore, just another jacked guy taking steroids trying to sell his bullshit supplements. When he first started getting popular, (which I still find crazy he went from nothing to millions of views in weeks) - I liked what he had to say and I honestly felt motivated listening to him. He seemed down to earth and was truly invested in showing people how he lives his life. Now he is just another social media influencer and he is annoying as fuck, especially with that 3rd person bullshit. He has nothing important to say, stop paying attention to him.


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Sep 9, 2022
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I'm just so tired of hearing about this guy. Everyone knows he is on sauce, he knows it is insane to deny it - but he is following the O'Hearn PR plan and staying relevant because of the "controversy". The moment he is honest no one will give a shit about him anymore, just another jacked guy taking steroids trying to sell his bullshit supplements. When he first started getting popular, (which I still find crazy he went from nothing to millions of views in weeks) - I liked what he had to say and I honestly felt motivated listening to him. He seemed down to earth and was truly invested in showing people how he lives his life. Now he is just another social media influencer and he is annoying as fuck, especially with that 3rd person bullshit. He has nothing important to say, stop paying attention to him.
His supplements should be taken off the market. No one needs high dose vitamins produced from concentrated organ meat. This stuff is toxic when it accumulates in your body.

Spewing primal while living on a well manicured multi-million dollar property should have people laughing.

We have lots of influencer's selling a pipe dream, that if you do x,y,z you'll be in control of your life, have all the money, wealth and power and women flocking to you.

It's time for Americans to start embracing their inner cynicism/pessimism, face the reality that most people in this country aren't in a good place right now and pretending if you have the right mental attitude that you will be is total bullshit.


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2021
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The incredibly negative hive mind here is interesting. I never thought an SST thread would resemble the comments section of a social media post where bots and algorithms have clearly curated the replies to all push one common ideology.


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Sep 9, 2022
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The incredibly negative hive mind here is interesting. I never thought an SST thread would resemble the comments section of a social media post where bots and algorithms have clearly curated the replies to all push one common ideology.
There's no hive mind.

Here's the deal....Liver King is a bullshit artist. He is a wannabee guru cult of primal/yuppie living.

I'm an extreme skeptic and pessimist. I don't fuck around, I always look for the angle being used to part people from their money or at the very least to send them down a rabbit hole to nowhere.

Yes the community can be very hive minded in the sense that is often way too optimistic. That if you think happy thoughts and be positive everything will go your way.

Whenever someone like Liver King, Tony Robbins, Deepak Chopra or any of the other millions of assclowns come out spewing nonsense, I zero in, we should all work hard to point out the Jim Jones Koolaid members of society and destroy them before they have a chance to get very far.

Personally I'm sick of these influencers, those that spend their lives chasing eyeballs, the look at me culture that is so common today. I want people to work hard to tear these people down, to take them apart and realize there is nothing there of substance.

So yes Liver King can piss off and everyone else like him. The AAS community needs to stop this admiration for guys that seems like their on top of the world, when honestly you know their not hogging down raw bull testicles when the camera isn't on and no one is watching.