Steroid Source Talk

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Recent content by mackenziehung

  1. M

    How do you maintain gains off dbol and anadrol?

    How do you maintain gains off these strong orals when you need to come off after a 6 week cycle. Please no trolling it’s getting annoying now. Thanks.
  2. M

    Hey guys do you have any tips for sleep?

    Do you have anything you take to help you sleep?? I get so tired at work due to nervous system fatigue from heavy lifting and then working all day that I want to crash but when I get home I just can’t till like 2 am. Please help thanks brahs
  3. M

    How do you use strength or size to stand out to girls?

    What impresses girls the most?? I still live a nice life have lots of friends but I want to start posting more things that people are like wtf that’s insane! Like sure all the other stuff and being chill af helps but what could I do Fitness related to stand the fuck out to them?!
  4. M

    What makes you stand out on youtube fitness? Social media

    What makes people stand out I’ve met most in person and guys like David Laid are worshipped he’s chill af but honestly he’s small af for his height like I see bros at the gym who would trash him and we are all his age. What makes guys like him even stand out?! I don’t want to be a youtuber...
  5. M

    WHat to add?? On top of test 1g.

    Been on 1g of test since Feb was doing tren before without test which I know was STUPID but when bros says it’s the shit you belive the hype and it didint do squat tren e prob cause it was fake and it was without test either or. Regardless I’ve been making great gains and plan on staying on this...
  6. M

    Fastest strength building steroid

    On top of test 1g what can I add that will skyrocket my strength? What is with all these crazy ratios on halotestin and methyltren i mean they aren’t as well known as dbol or anadrol why? Are they god like or just all hype?? What can I add that will shoot up my strength if programming is...
  7. M

    What worked the best for strength?

    I find whenever I inject my t400 I feel much stronger the day after probably cause its cumulative buildup in my body and the instant hit the first few days. I am now on a 500 deadlift which is my hardest lift and want 585, what is the best oral to take along it to get stronger while maintaining...
  8. M

    Is testosterone the main performance AAS

    For performance such as cardio, lifting, fighting etc… is testosterone the key. Is there anything better…also I have no issues lifting but when it comes to a one hour cardio session I have no motivation should I buy a preworkout just for cardio days.
  9. M

    Has anyone tried DNP for fat?

    I’m finding it hard to burn that last bit of fat off me everything on my body is sculpted and lean and I’m a Powerlifter Type it guy. I heard clen ehich is what I take only increases metabolic rate by 10! Wherelse DNP increases it by around 10% per 100mg. Is it really that effective why have I...
  10. M

    What would be a blast if you use 1000mg test a week

    I’m currently on 1g a week pls clen idk what the dose is since it says 50g 25 mcg each spray. I used to take two sprays a day now four as the fat loss is getting better and better and abs getting defined. Question is, what would be a blast dose or should I add something to get harder or keep my...
  11. M

    Keeping Test gains

    I want to do a blast of 6g of test in a month. How do I keep the gains once the dose is reduced the next mmonth. What do I take a long a lower dose of test.
  12. M


    How were you’re results on methyltrienolone. Is it stronger then the injectable tren because they cost the same tbh. Would a 1g test a week and methyltren cycle be good enough. Do you gain a lot of strength on it and how fast does methyltren work? Why do people use dbol and a bombs if this...
  13. M

    What is the best stack for strength when cutting

    I am only on 1g of test e a week and I lost a lot of fat when I used to binge to now due to ADHD medications supressing my appetite. However, from 255 to 210 I lost no strength as I was consistently hitting the gym and making the most out of my workouts. However, today I noticed I’m in a bit of...
  14. M

    Blast and cruise Test

    I’m currently taking 2g of test (t400) every two weeks. I prefer it his way because I don’t have to worry about iinjecting every week. Is this a strong dose considering trt is only 200-300mg a week. If not what should I do next stick to the same dose or go up for a blast? I have been gaining...
  15. M


    Firstly, I want to ask what the typical price and dosage is for clen. Because I bought some from a store on this site and it was 25mcg per spray/50 sprays. But when I go to this website they say they sell 200mcg! for the same...