Steroid Source Talk

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Recent content by mshbmx

  1. mshbmx

    Mini cut

    🥱 🍿
  2. mshbmx

    How long after starting AI to test E2 again?

    Why don’t you just lower your test if you want to run higher hcg? You shouldn’t need to run AI on cruise. Aromatase inhibitors aren’t good for you and you shouldn’t have to run one if you’re just on cruise. I can see it if you’re just an outlier who is extremely estrogen sensitive but it doesn’t...
  3. mshbmx

    Dragon O

    Seems like we got another case of Panda
  4. mshbmx

    Good to be back...

    Congrats my man and good luck on the new road to progress. Hope it all goes your way. Question about this clinic- Is this an online clinic, or you got a local wellness clinic taking care of you? Care to share a name if online?
  5. mshbmx

    Dropping down to cruise

    sorry if that’s confusing. Aromatization is still high first week into cruise from the previous week on blast, so I was just curious how long you guys run your AI into cruise from the blast. Just curious till I get bloodwork back and I can confirm numbers to adjust accordingly.
  6. mshbmx


    Good stuff man. Cold turkey that’s rough man, good to hear you can come back. Have you ever done blood work during these times off to confirm numbers?
  7. mshbmx

    Dropping down to cruise

    Cause labs aren’t immediate and haven’t came in yet. So I’m using this “time frame” for a buffer till I have numbers, thanks for the great advice.
  8. mshbmx

    Dropping down to cruise

    Hey guys, Dropping back down to cruise after a couple months on test only blast at 600mg/wk. dropping down to my 200mg/wk. I require 12.5 asin e3d at 600mg/wk but nothing at 200mg/wk. Any advise how long I should dose my AI into cruise before stopping? Last time I ran too long and tanked my...
  9. mshbmx


    Interesting to hear this. I had been wanting to give this a try recently but scared myself. What was the hardest part for you? And what also did you run for your pct and it still sucked so bad?
  10. mshbmx

    High estrogen

    That’s the deca throwing your estrogen off in the blood word. Get a sensitive test and then retest your estrogen
  11. mshbmx

    Anyone in the Austin area know a good place to train?

    Yo, what @mcjooce2 said. Big Tex is the go to no doubt. Gym one next to factory is solid too.
  12. mshbmx


    Oh man that’s terrible I’d kick myself in the ass. Hopefully if VA is open to it you probably wouldn’t have to pay a dime. I didn’t know irritating/touching gyno could cause a flare up to get worse? I thought that was just prolactin based gyno?
  13. mshbmx


    Is this the dhn interference with dht at the estrogen receptor you’re talking about? Ive been off for 4 1/2 weeks now, when should I expect this to stop?
  14. mshbmx


    Hey, whatever it takes to get the job done! Do you take a Ai or just blast nolva every once and a blue moon when you have issues? Any ideas why I got a bb and sensitive left nip on crashed estrogen as of 2 weeks ago?
  15. mshbmx


    I thought so as well, I just remember some broscience about how on trt it can still stimulate LH and increase T therefore having a spike in E in the testes that an Ai cannot control. But that’s probably for a long period of time and not just a short run to control gyno? I’m using nolva cause I...