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Recent content by PCTAccount

  1. PCTAccount

    Shathlete 3 days shipped

    Incredibly quick, let us know how the quality is.
  2. PCTAccount

    [Source] Mint Anabolics - 15% OFF ALL OILS -- 25% OFF TrAmp Blend, Deca, EQ250 and Mast P

    Wish I could afford another order. To anyone considering this lab - DO IT!!! The TrAMP is to die for, most potent blend I've had in a while.
  3. PCTAccount

    Anyone gay here?

    Perhaps in the sense of the word by the old English meaning. For sexual orientation? I think the world is far more sick than I can possibly imagine for sexual orientation to even be considered. I am celibate and have no intentions or ideas of any type of romance, or even fling, ever being an...
  4. PCTAccount

    SHA-ATHLETICS // Latest Reports

    Standard Janoshik testing results. What else to say? A little Russian girl out in Russia ran the blind product through a specific gravity machine to identify molecular structures. Nice. I'll be happy to try the laboratory out, eventually, as things line up in my favor financially. The 30ml...
  5. PCTAccount

    Hypertrophy and Viperflex DBol

    Hypertrophy orals were lackluster IMO. The anadrol was on the weaker side and the Winstrol was more of a dryer pill, but still ran nicely. They weren't fake orals, or a bad product, and certainly not a bad price or value, but by comparison to some of the other orals on the market... Lackluster...
  6. PCTAccount

    Tfw no orals

  7. PCTAccount

    [Source] Mint Anabolics - 15% OFF ALL OILS -- 25% OFF TrAmp Blend, Deca, EQ250 and Mast P

    Extremely powerful and VERY toxic kind of feeling at the full ML, even on a clean diet. Highly estrogenic side effects wise as well. A potent product nonetheless, but I'd recommend the DHB for a cleaner look. Either that or use the superdrol very sparingly or in lower doses. It's not really much...
  8. PCTAccount

    Wanting to run Eq

    That is a valid point. I haven't got any rebound congestion yet outside of a small single nostril congestion, last night as a matter of fact. I will keep that in mind when considering this approach. I think though, that cardiovascular activity and strict clean eating may offset this side effect...
  9. PCTAccount

    Tren PREFERENCE when cutting

    Honestly I don't care as long as it works good. Lately I've preferred Tren Ace, but memories of clean Golden Oils of times past labeled Tren E could never be marked as inferior. It's the green hued stuff I usually watch out for and distinctly note as "quite different" ...
  10. PCTAccount

    Wanting to run Eq

    I would say, overall, Tren hasn't ever really impeded my cardio outside of painful growth pumps, accompanied perhaps by a sometimes "spicy" tren lung... I think EQ definitely helps endurance and can be beneficial to cardio. What's very important to note here? The fact that I don't really have...
  11. PCTAccount

    Crystalized Cyp

    You either got hooked up super fat, or someone sent you a super hot pack. Very unlikely they didn't use enough dissolvents... Stay safe bro. For real though, just throw it on a candle warmer and keep it on that. Should be GTG.
  12. PCTAccount

    Wanting to run Eq

    EQ works really well... Even just 300mg of it is noticable on top of nearly a gram of Tren. It's helps with fullness, vascularity, appetite, and endurance. Very synergistic. Just like anything else... Can run it higher.. up to a gram. I'm considering the event in which I manage to get my hands...
  13. PCTAccount

    [Source] Mint Anabolics - 15% OFF ALL OILS -- 25% OFF TrAmp Blend, Deca, EQ250 and Mast P

    Specific gravity testing on a ionized vibration plate. Also the obvious effects of the compound like hardening and strength. Duh. What else would I base it off of? Imagination?
  14. PCTAccount

    [Source] Mint Anabolics - 15% OFF ALL OILS -- 25% OFF TrAmp Blend, Deca, EQ250 and Mast P

    The Masteron P from the blended product checks out... Performing exactly as expected and I can tell within 24-48 hours. Up next; the "PewPew" Superdrol Inj. Will likely take a backseat until I am ready for a few cheat meals and some heavy power moves... Or maybe we'll keep it clean. Who knows...
  15. PCTAccount

    Mint Anabolics - Test Propionate 100mg/Daily (700mg/week)

    Liver issues from Trenbolone usually arise from the harsh processing details involved in it's creation. It's production process has been modernized and standardized by most practices to bring it a new and improved quality - usually while sacrificing some of the aggressive gaining properties. It...