Steroid Source Talk

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Recent content by prendelo500

  1. P

    Mixing three compounds in one syringe

    Can I mix test e tren e mast e in the same syringe?
  2. P

    Hitting a nerve and tren

    What would happen if you inject tren in a nerve?
  3. P

    My libido still the same after 5 weeks

    My libido has been the same since I started steroids 5 weeks ago. At what week it supposed to have skyrocket erections? Effects that I already noticed: Angry Confidence Better pump I am not currently any AI yet bc I don’t any any symptoms of gyno. Currently taking 500 mg test 500 mast Help...
  4. P

    Run accutane on cycle

    Right now I’m on 500 mg test and mast e 400 mg. Can I run low doses of isotretinoin 20 mg to control back acne or its too heavy for the liver? Thanks.
  5. P

    Drawing two different compounds

    Can I draw two different compounds using the same needle?
  6. P

    Mixing different oils

    Can I mix two different oils in the same syringe? I’m going to do master e 300 mg and test e 500 mg. I will split injections twice a week but I’m not sure if it’s ok to mix it
  7. P

    Soco Isotretinoin

    Two weeks ago I started to taking isotretinoin from soco. It works perfectly. I used to have oily skin and it keeps improving every day. Nose skin started to peeling so it’s a good signal that everything is doing well. 10/10
  8. P

    What happened to Texas mass

    What happened to Texas mass? Last time I bought from him dbol and had pretty good size and pumps.