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Recent content by Simply Steroids

  1. Simply Steroids

    Which was your first Test Ester and why?

    Test E is my usual go to, Test P when cutting. But when I was barely 20 did my first pin(young and dumb), the ONLY reason I did Test E was cause the gym guy told me he only needed to pin 1x every 7 days and I hated needles at the time. Still do but didn't know anything about blood levels at the...
  2. Simply Steroids

    [Source] SHA-ATHLETICS -

    Welcome aboard, the 30ml vials is truly unique!
  3. Simply Steroids

    [Source] 808Labs - REMOVED

    I don't know whats funnier, them having to make up reviews or the fact they couldn't come up a different enough font :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
  4. Simply Steroids

    Share your tricks for cutting!

    For lifestyle and not prep. Just what you usually eat but start downsizing, take a out a bread piece from the burger, don't finish your fries, use less ranch..., and as you continue to downsize,add healthier options and next thing you know, you have wayy less cravings for fast food. If you have...
  5. Simply Steroids

    Thinking of posting here?

    Hello I have sent email a bit earlier this week to inquire for application, but of no answer yet. Just wanted to follow up. Thanks.
  6. Simply Steroids

    Favorite song(s) for PR's

    Mine has to be Before I forget - Slipknot or One by Metallica. Hear it and just wanna deadlift 500lbs,
  7. Simply Steroids


    Hi guys, great to meet you all! Got into this industry cause of powerlifting. Got to break a couple records too for 74kg weight class. Hope to become more familiar some of you all!