Steroid Source Talk

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Recent content by Tboy95

  1. T

    Heavy cardio on test

    Is it bad to be doing a lot of cardio on test I’m eating enough & still lifting just wondering if anyone knows if it’s bad or not to be running so much while on 600-700 Test a week.
  2. T

    Injection sites?

    Looking for new injection sites that have the least amount of nerves. What’s your sweet spot for injecting T400 in miglyol solution having a hard time doing delts cuz I can’t lift upper body really because pip and soreness.
  3. T

    Southern compounds pip

    So I just started my first cycle 600mg TE400 in miglyol solution and the pip is crazy doesn’t hurt right away but next day can’t even lift or barely move my shoulder also hard to sleep since I sleep on my sides tried both shoulders same thing happened idk what to do