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  1. E

    Anyone know any good steroid podcasts?

    Not a podcast but vigorous steve makes some long format content on steroids that I go to for long drives
  2. E

    research for college

    I answered the survey 😎👍
  3. E

    Harm Reduction on Tren Cycle?

    Easiest way is to not use it lol. But we all take risks with each needle so if you are set on tren, start with tren ace, 100mg/wk. Work up the dose if you want, but using more than 200/250 a week is unnecessary unless you're godly big on a cut
  4. E

    Pre workout Thread

    Shbg wasn't affected by it, but my shbg is a bit weird where nothing seems to make much of a difference. For both cycles it was either or, so the first was all oral and second was like 95% sublingual, both times I also dosed twice a day
  5. E

    Pre workout Thread

    From what I've seen it doesn't work with every oral, but it does work with var. I had better bio markers second time running var this way, but in some cases it's worse since certain orals need to be metabolized to actually function. Adrol is a good example of one to definitely not do sublingual...
  6. E

    Who was your first source?

    Syn. And that was right when his server got hacked lmao. Lost $300. BUT sent the real syn what happened, he asked for proof since he knew it happened and after showing him screenshots he sent me the order without receiving a dime of what I paid the scammer. Uhh... well actually maybe my first...
  7. E

    Btc congestion.

    Even today, placed an order for <200 and a fucking >30 fee. Lost my mind
  8. E

    I’ve been banned for exposing the truth

    His gear must be laced with tren and he couldn't handle it, the paranoia is setting in
  9. E

    Going to jail

    Bookmarking this thread and setting a reminder for 4 months from now, wanna know how this plan turned out hehe
  10. E

    Sex drive and gear

    Realized an unfortunate truth of myself and e2, no matter what I take or how rock solid dialed in I try to get with my test schedule/ai dose it will always be bouncing around. Not a ton, but it does REALLY fuck with my sexdrive above all else. Off gear and after pct, shit even during pct, I fuck...
  11. E

    First Legit Cycle (Test Cyp/Primo/Avavar) Help/Feedback

    Up the test, it won't shock your body since it takes weeks to even build up to steady state since test e has a long half life. The var dose timing is weird, it works best for most about 1hr pre workout since it gives a strength boost. Yeah the anabolic properties are primarily for recovery but...
  12. E

    Need viagra advice asap

    Appreciate the response, but it managed to work out in a weird way. I got name brand from a pharmacy and somehow found this shady ass rx coupon website and got fuckin over 500$ worth of viagra for 25 bucks, I almost shat myself when the pharmacy accepted it. I'll take your advice tho and not get...
  13. E

    Running Anavar and Winstrol together

    How much of each? And that's not alot of test, yeah it'll keep you in the positive on orals but if you're already injecting bump it up a bit if you want to really cycle.
  14. E

    Need viagra advice asap

    VERY long story short. Was planning to permanently bnc then the air force said nah you're leaving in a couple months. So now I'm a good way into my pct but my dick doesn't hold fast and true like it did on/before gear. Got plans to bang a smoke show on Monday but, well, MY DICK DOESNT WORK so I...
  15. E

    Former source on here. Went to prison. AMA

    Careful, it's basically illegal to ask that now ;) but seriously, that movement has EXPLODED over these past 4 years
  16. E

    high minimums

    MOOOOOOODS this thread is crazy 😭
  17. E

    Tren harder next time ;) hehe

    Tren harder next time ;) hehe
  18. E

    Online Bloodwork Clinics

    Privatemdlabs is my go to, you can pick a local quest or lab Corp to go to, scheduling is easy, price is fair, always a smooth process :)
  19. E

    Mixing semaglutide

  20. E

    Mixing semaglutide

    Hey all, got powder in a vial of semaglutide, do I just use bac water to dilute it?