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  1. S

    Site suggestion: add a Monero donation option

    There's a BTC address for donating to the site. At this point, I think we all know that bitcoin is of course completely traceable and not so safe. Coinbase is known for shutting down accounts that send money to accounts linked to illegal substances (like steroids). I suggest adding a Monero...
  2. S

    Hypertrophy Test E 490mg 2693 ng/dL 5.5x

    Source @Hypertrophy Test Ester Running Enanthate (300mg/ml) Weekly Testosterone Dose (mg) 490 Mg (70mg ED) Other Compounds in Cycle Primo, HCG (both from different sources) Weekly Dose Other Compunds (mg) 210 Mg, 750 IU Weeks Run 12.5 Draw Time from Last Pin 48 hours (daily pinning...
  3. S

    US Domestic Telmisartan

    Hey everybody, looking for a recommendation for US domestic Telmisartan (trying to avoid the long wait for international shipping). I see DashPCT has some domestic but they're 80mg tablets. From my research, it seems like a better starting dose for PED users is 20mg. Any recommendations? Thanks ♥
  4. S

    Hypertrophy Test E 350mg 2874 ng/dL 8.2x

    Source @Hypertrophy Test Ester Running Enanthate (300mg/ml) Weekly Testosterone Dose (mg) 350 Mg (50mg ED) Other Compounds in Cycle Primo, HCG (both from different sources) Weekly Dose Other Compunds (mg) 200 Mg, 750 IU Weeks Run 4.5 Draw Time from Last Pin 24 hours (daily pinning)...
  5. S

    PhtdPeptides HGH Frag

    Started @“PhtdPeptides” frag in late March, 6 ft / 183 lbs, moderate muscle. I would estimate somewhere around 15% at the start. My usual routine was 250 mcg in morning, 250 mcg pre-workout, and sometimes 250 mcg before bed (not consistent on pre-bed). I was also taking 100 mcg ipam (from phtd)...
  6. S

    IGF-1 LR3 Reconstitution - bac water vs acetic acid

    As I was doing research about IGF1 LR3, I saw that there has been some controversy regarding using bac water or acetic acid to reconstitute. Some claim bac water will ruin the IGF after a few days. However, it seems like that has been shown to be an old myth. Can anyone clarify for me? Does it...
  7. S

    Dragon ordnance peptide reviews?

    Has anyone used peptides from Dragon ordnance? Their prices are so enticing…
  8. S

    Lower dosage to avoid side effects

    Hey sst. I’m considering trying a cycle of test. I’m hesitant because of possible side effects, mainly hair loss and acne. I know a common first cycle dose is 500 mg. Would it be a waste to try 300 or 400? Would that lower the chance of sides while still giving good results? I’m sure this isn’t...