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  1. T

    Viper Flex Mast-E 250 mg/ml Blind Testing

    That's not ture for all sources. GoodLyfe does a very good job of testing his raws and oils and they are from what I've seen always within the 10% variance that is acceptable. Now any source can have a bad brew. When that happens I need to know what they are going to do to correct this action...
  2. T

    Viper Flex Mast-E 250 mg/ml Blind Testing

    You're right 10% is fine, but 11% is not! It also raises something that could be a bigger problem. Whoever is brewing there gear might not know how to brew correctly and or they don't test there raws powder before they brew so they know how to dose the gear correctly. When I'm spending my money...
  3. T

    [Source] >>>VIPER FLEX LABS<<<

    Will there be testing for all the new products?
  4. T

    Viper Flex Mast-E 250 mg/ml Blind Testing

    I don't need you to explain what happened. I need for him to even though I have and idea what happened. He more then likely didn't test his raw product before and and just brewed the Mast. If he would've test them before hand he would've known they were not the quality his supplier told him they...
  5. T

    Viper Flex Mast-E 250 mg/ml Blind Testing

    Got damn that is off! @viper-flex clearly you don't do raw testing or you would've known that you were using shit quality raws. Care to explain why this is so off?
  6. T

    [Source] >>>VIPER FLEX LABS<<<

    If you aren't having prolactin sides then you don't need to take caber. How much water are you drinking? If it's not enough that could be why you're sides are hurting.
  7. T

    [Source] >>>VIPER FLEX LABS<<<

    I think you definitely have the right idea starting low and working your way up. I found that I really don't need anything more then 300mg a week Tren A. More then that and the sides become unbearable. I've done as high as 600mg a week and the paranoia and insomnia also killed me lol. I thought...
  8. T

    [Source] >>>VIPER FLEX LABS<<<

    If you don't mind telling, what doses are you running of each compound?