Steroid Source Talk

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  1. L

    Viper Flex

    Viper is absolutely the man. I reached out to him during arguably one of the busiest times of year about placing a rather large-sized order including each of his AI’s (Letrozole, Arimidex, and Aromasin) and can confirm they all kept E2 in check as need be. The Letrozole in particular is some...
  2. L

    Is it possible to cruise on Tren at a low enough dose to where you don't need any ancillaries and dont get bad sides?

    No because Tren is cardiotoxic and neurotoxic at ANY dose. The damage will build up over time.
  3. L

    Can't Sleep, Help!

    Happens all the time to every single guy who’s ever done any cycle. Why do you think IFBB pro’s take tons of Benzo’s, anxiolytics, smoke weed, etc? You have too many androgens in your system dude. You need to view test the same way you view caffeine. It’s a CNS stimulant. However, unlike that...
  4. L

    Just add some Tren and have your pizza :) /s

    Just add some Tren and have your pizza :) /s
  5. L

    Deca Only Experience?

    I believe Deca only cycles have worked for a handful of people in the past but it’s no guarantee. The main thing I have against Deca only cycles is that Nandrolone is more cardiotoxic and neurotoxic than testosterone mg per mg. It can also mess with your neurotransmitters for quite a while...
  6. L

    Conflicted about what I should run for my cut. Need some opinions.

    So much of this is just horrible. Why are you running so much test on a cut? Test increases appetite and raises E2. If you want Tren to block de novo lipogenesis you need to keep your E2 low. Same deal with the HCG. Your nuts won’t work on Tren anyway. Also you’re going to run clen continuously...
  7. L

    Former source on here. Went to prison. AMA

    Just look at the price of raws. Profit margin must be at least 40% or higher. A gram of primo costs like $18 IIRC. For a 10 mL vial, you’d need 2 grams so $36 for raws. Assuming the vial, filter, carrier oil and BA/BB add on another $14 (which it likely wouldn’t), that’s $50 cost of production...
  8. L

    Former source on here. Went to prison. AMA

    Yeah honestly this chart just says it all. I literally have no idea why alcohol and nicotine are still tolerated while weed and AAS are seen as the devil’s nectar. Oh wait, I actually know exactly why; it’s highly profitable and our governmental policy is dictated to a large degree by third...
  9. L

    Former source on here. Went to prison. AMA

    I kind of have to disagree with you about selling steroids/using steroids being a victimless crime. Yes, at the end of the day it’s the decision of the person using AAS to buy them. That isn’t to say that AAS users can’t be victims. Some people suffer some pretty serious health complications...
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    Former source on here. Went to prison. AMA

    How did you end up getting caught?
  11. L


    Mast is the ultimate feel-good steroid IMO. Second maybe only to proviron. Interestingly enough, injectable proviron was actually developed and used as an antidepressant/anxiolytic back in the day. It was highly effective. DHT’s calm and soothe the brain while enhancing your confidence and...
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    Like with all AAS, you get diminishing returns and increasing side effects with higher doses. I’ve never seen the point in going past 400 mg of Tren per week myself. I noticed no additional fat loss etc benefits and a ton more sides (severe trensomnia, rage, etc.) When the quality of your life...
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    Haha it was a pretty amusing descriptor I must say! I second the cardio impediment. Tren could also just as easily be called “obesity cardio simulation in a bottle”
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    Tren. I once heard someone say Tren is like “Being God with mental illness”. That’s pretty much the most accurate description of this wild ass compound I’ve ever come across. Using Tren will make you feel godly at first. Then, after about 3 weeks, the mental issues begin to pile on like crazy...
  15. L

    best cutting stack to retain muscle ?

    You can probably run it for a few weeks towards the end of a cut but it’s so bad for your liver and lipids.
  16. L

    best cutting stack to retain muscle ?

    I like TRT test, high Tren, high mast, maybe some EQ.
  17. L

    How y'all handling the gym thot epidemic?

    LMAO bro that moon comment absolutely killed me!
  18. L

    best cutting stack to retain muscle ?

    Easiest cutting cycle (once near 10% bf) to drop down to single digits IME was: 1) Low dose test 100-125 mg per week 2) 300 mg Tren E 3) 300 mg Mast E 4) Semaglutide 0.5 mg/week Only downside is semaglutide nausea/digestion issues but those go away with time.
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    Is there a globs supply shortage of primo raws or something? Seems like every source is out lol.
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    EQ or Deca for next blast?

    If you’re old, I’d suggest probably avoiding both compounds. EQ has done well-known nephrotoxicity and nandrolone is particularly cardiotoxic. Might I suggest primobolan or masteron instead? Many gurus like Viktor Black actually build cycles for their clients in which mast and primo are used...