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  1. D

    letting estrogen climb, on a gram of test per week.

    Totally agree it’s better to be aggressive with hypertension than not, sometimes though. As one of them there ambulance drivers I can tell you high BP can cause of a lot of health issues, it is also an indicator if some health issues but it’s better focus on it as a cause. When dealing with...
  2. D

    letting estrogen climb, on a gram of test per week.

    This. @T&H you’re right that it’s very easy to nuke your e2 with adex since it’s a lil 1mg pill. The argument that I think some other people have (including myself) is that adex is easier for “beginners” because of the e2 rebound it has when you stop taking it and don’t taper. If you crash...
  3. D

    [Source] BioPharmaUSA (Testosterone Giveaway and Sale)

    Cool. It’s store credit per test right? Want to make sure everything I got is on par. Hope YOU also test soon. The store could use some up to date testing.
  4. D

    [Source] BioPharmaUSA (Testosterone Giveaway and Sale)

    Testing is quite literally the only way to keep UGLs in check. It’s 2023 dog, the era of doing shit that gives you good gains but you have no idea what actually getting is dead and gone. The future is now old man.
  5. D

    [Source] BioPharmaUSA (Testosterone Giveaway and Sale)

    Are you currently sending out for new testing or have you already? If so when should we expect those results? I am curious if it’d be faster for me to send it off to Jano myself or if I should just wait on yours to come back. Just trying to dose appropriately!