Steroid Source Talk

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  1. M

    Difference between pharma hgh and generic

    Pro bodybuilders run GH at very high dosages, the sides from generics would cripple them. Also you don't want to IV generic GH it doesn't have a preservative to keep it sterile. The differences between pharma and generic are side effects and potency, both of which are proportional to how much...
  2. M

    Ahoy SST

    Hey a familiar face. Good to see you as well.
  3. M

    Opti - HGH / Somatropin ++ AAS oils ++ AAS tabs ++ MISC.

    Every single source I have ordered from stipulates using a valid name and no reship if a fake name is given and the pack is unrecoverable. This is also common sense. Your story changed several times, almost as if you were trying to come up with something believable, and the end of your post...
  4. M

    Opti - HGH / Somatropin ++ AAS oils ++ AAS tabs ++ MISC.

    There is nothing you can do about the carpal tunnel. I titrated down from 4 to 2 to 1 and stopped completely. Cts did not clear for another 5 or so weeks after. During that time I also tried stretching, icing, putting my hands in ice water, hot water, lowering sodium, lowering carbs, changing...
  5. M

    Difference between pharma hgh and generic

    You have ran nutropin? When was this and what did it cost? The rest of your post is not wrong however I would like to point something out for you to consider. It is true that HPLC testing has consistently shown very small differences in purity between one ugl or another and pharma brand a b...
  6. M

    Difference between pharma hgh and generic

    Possibly. Each manufacturer of pharma has their own personal recipe that they use as fillers and to keep the powder sterile. I think the filler people seem to like most is mannitol, possibly acting as a mild diuretic. @Liska has covered this topic quite well I think. He's an actual expert, I...
  7. M

    Any someone help me find serostim

    It's expensive. You got the cash for real? Lmk I do know a guy.
  8. M

    Opti - HGH / Somatropin ++ AAS oils ++ AAS tabs ++ MISC.

    Well at least we know you ain't a federal agent
  9. M

    Opti - HGH / Somatropin ++ AAS oils ++ AAS tabs ++ MISC.

    There's nothing to figure out, you are angling to get free gear out of sympathy. Opti can do as he pleases, I would not even deal with you moving forward. "I am unhappy, I did not receive what i ordered, it was delivered, then stolen, but it couldn't have been stolen, wait USPS still has it...
  10. M

    Can we do anything as a community to make this place more active again?

    If you want activity you gotta create it. Yes that means helping guide the clueless and answering the same questions again and again. At least we don't have to delete spam lol. Fuck I just had a flashback to when I was a mod and back then sources were guarded secrets and we had to vet the...
  11. M

    Opti - HGH / Somatropin ++ AAS oils ++ AAS tabs ++ MISC.

    Adding hormones and peptides to your body is serious business. I cannot stress enough the importance of educating yourself and this should be ongoing. No one knows everything. If you get complacent it's easy to follow the herd as they mindlessly follow each other right off a cliff.
  12. M

    Is it possible to cruise on Tren at a low enough dose to where you don't need any ancillaries and dont get bad sides?

    I bet OP could run 15mgs a day and be happy just need breaks every so often. Like month on month off.
  13. M

    Opti - HGH / Somatropin ++ AAS oils ++ AAS tabs ++ MISC.

    Greys are very strong the best I ever looked was from 2ius a day.
  14. M

    Opti - HGH / Somatropin ++ AAS oils ++ AAS tabs ++ MISC.

    Addressing your questions from both posts, I personally store the unrecon vials and insulin pins and back water all in the mini fridge. Just not the alcohol swabs ha. Not saying you have to, but I would (obviously) When to pin and how much etc. It's hard to answer. Break up your daily dose for...
  15. M

    Opti - HGH / Somatropin ++ AAS oils ++ AAS tabs ++ MISC.

    Opti is 100% not responsible for a reship.
  16. M

    Heart Palpitations and Muscle Weakness

    It's your life I am happy you are on top of things. Most people dont bother. Let us know what happens. Good luck
  17. M

    HGH Insulin Resistance

    I can't give you a definitive answer to that. It depends. If fat loss is the goal the longer the better within reason. Four hours max I would guess. If you're bulking with it you would also pin insulin in which case it doesnt really matter. Chad Nichols wrote a protocol that I follow which has a...
  18. M

    Heart Palpitations and Muscle Weakness

    10-20 seconds? I would stop doing anything that causes this and go get a stress test and have someone educated take a look at whats going on. That ain't normal, my palpitations are less than a second just a quick flutter, I notice it, but it happens quick. You are pretty young so unless genetics...
  19. M

    Need feedback on my Insulin protocol (Novolog pre/post)

    Dude when my blood sugar tanks I can put down 1k cals no problem. Easy. Maybe 2k. Interestingly if you can tolerate being hypo you can get your body to release more GH though how much is debatable. There was a guy somewhere, I cant think of where I saw this, but he would drop his blood sugar...