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Cholesterol issues during Prep (test, mast, primo)


Active member
On 500/400/400 test/mast/primo

So right now I am about 6 weeks into prep and like 16-18 weeks on cycle total since my last blood results. I had cholesterol issues last cycle, cleaned up my diet massively, went from like 100g+ saturated fat per day down to between 4-10g just about 100% of the days, and definitely 100% of the days on prep. Added in citrus bergamot after my first high LDL test, some cardio, etc etc. Went down to 250mg test per week.. Everything cleared up in about 6 weeks.

No my LDL is massively high again, with cardio, no saturated fat, bergamot at 1.5g per day and other cholesterol aiding supplements. I am also down about 17lbs over the 6 weeks. I am just confused why my LDL is so fucking bad on this cycle and I am really concerned. My HDL is 22 now as well. I expected some negative change in both but not to this extent and I am scared but want to finish prep.


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That's just the way it works on cycle man. Especially Mast and Primo. It's part of the deal. Mitigate it best you can, and just know you'll have to try to clean it up post cycle. Cardio, actual cardio, is the best bet though. Make sure you're doing zone 3 for your LISS. Too many bodybuilders walk on a treadmill and call that cardio. It aint. Mix in some HIIT sessions as well. Gotta get the heart really pumping.

This is the life you chose


Active member
Some changes I'm making already is to further increase my fiber with fiberlyze, I am adding in an Omega 3 because why not, and I am dropping the primo entirely. I might add in a statin if needed, I have rosuvastatin on deck at the moment.


Dude primo O B L I T E R A T E D my lipids. I had to drop it entirely. Been running TRT dose for a while now getting healthy again. Don’t fuck around w cholesterol I know this is late post in this thread but just saying.


Active member
Dude primo O B L I T E R A T E D my lipids. I had to drop it entirely. Been running TRT dose for a while now getting healthy again. Don’t fuck around w cholesterol I know this is late post in this thread but just saying.
Ya i took the primo out, just test and mast now


Active member
My HDL is holding up with healthy diet, but the LDL is fucked. Way too high. I'm implementing oatmeal now. Next draw should be better.


Active member
Some changes I'm making already is to further increase my fiber with fiberlyze, I am adding in an Omega 3 because why not, and I am dropping the primo entirely. I might add in a statin if needed, I have rosuvastatin on deck at the moment.
Nice. I know a lot of people who've used fiberlyze to shield their bodies from lipid profile damage. It works great, supposedly, and I don't doubt it based on the ingredients information and the selective processing channels they come from. Dave has a very limited lineup of products, and they've worked very well for the people I've known over the years who use them - fiberlyze being the number one rave.


Thanks guys, just got some fiberlyze. Running primo to manage e2, don’t want drop it until I’m done with this blast, or at least want to run it for the majority. Plus var for 3 more weeks, my lipids are probably pretty out of wack right now. They’ll come back down during a quick cut as I taper down to trt dosage and up the cardio.


Active member
Thanks guys, just got some fiberlyze. Running primo to manage e2, don’t want drop it until I’m done with this blast, or at least want to run it for the majority. Plus var for 3 more weeks, my lipids are probably pretty out of wack right now. They’ll come back down during a quick cut as I taper down to trt dosage and up the cardio.
A few other things you could easily consider - start eating an orange peel per day. This contains natural bergamot and fruit fibers. Also, if an option, pick up some good whole oatmeal. Not the lazy stuff. The one that comes in the nice package, and isn't dirt cheap. That one. Lol. Your HDL is not very healthy. That's the main concern. The LDL can easily be lowered, but your HDL is hard to build once it's gone. Anavar will absolutely trash your lipids if done for too long and too high of a dose. Orals need to be strictly monitored and ran only with the best of support supplements. You want to end up on synthetic statins and fake cholesterol pills. Expensive and dangerous practice. Hard to manage.


Active member
Bob's red mill steel cut oats + whole flax seed, grind in a coffee grinder and add to whey shake. HDL will shoot up and one-wiper bowel movements.
Even better, get the Muesli. Has added benefits of Pumpkin, Flax, Rice, Cranberries. I agree though that brand is awesome. Well worth the extra money, without a doubt. I also enjoy Chia additionally, and when my appetite is high it makes for a great protein oatmeal bowl with fresh fruit and/or yogurt to help with satiation. I also enjoy adding mixed variety of nuts. Shakes are great for cutting when appetite is low, and also good for extra calories when bulking. Makes for a very quick calorie intake, but gets sickening after a while.


I would suggest taking high amounts of EPA from fish oil. Like 2g+ of epa, then see if there's any improvement. Also something like ezetimibe could be helpful also