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is fasting a meme?


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2024
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Bulk for a few months get to 10-12 perfect body fat. Id say I’m mostly dialed in though do you never bulk?
I’d say you’re dialed. If you can GROW while in a deficit to cut down below 10-12% you HAVE to be dialed. Or you figured out how to defy physics.

You’re a remarkable man. Do you compete? I don’t see why you wouldn’t.
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Active member
May 23, 2021
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Gaining muscle while losing fat is the slowest way of doing either, but it's possible.


Well-known member
Mar 13, 2024
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Fasted cardio is extremely beneficial for optimizing insulin sensitivity and lowering blood glucose, and I personally feel it accelerates fat loss when hgh is in the mix as well (since hgh stimulates lipolysis—mobilizing and burning free fatty acids for fuel) then the fasted cardio and energy expenditure increases the usage of free fatty acids.

There’s a reason a lot of top level bodybuilding coaches split the day between a “fat burning phase” and a “growth phase”, and have their athletes doing fasted cardio with fat burners, gh, injectable l carnitine etc, then in the growth part of the day they carb load

And yes I’m aware of the “calories in vs calories out” scenario that constantly gets parroted and it’s true that calorie consumption vs calorie expenditure ultimately determines how the scale moves, but I also think people use this as an excuse to eat pizza and chicken wings and high saturated foods because “if it fits your macros”. I wonder why we don’t see top olympians prepping on pizza and chicken wings…?

I’m a big believer in fasted cardio, eating Whole Foods, minimizing saturated fat and fried foods, and keeping sugar intake low to moderate, with most of it coming from sources that provide micronutrients (like fruit). Call it bro science or whatever but it works.
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New member
Jan 25, 2025
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I'd say it's worth trying fasted cardio, for sure. If it works well for you awesome, if not, it's not going to be worse than fed cardio outside of how much you like it or not.

I will say the science is mixed on whether or not it actually helps with insulin sensitivity. There's not a ton of studies in this area, and of those that exist, a lot of them aren't like for like. e.g. one study showed a moderate benefit in healthy males on a high fat diet, another showed no benefit in overweight females (but generally we see exercise interventions work better in people starting from a worse position?), etc.

If it sucks for you, you can always go back to eating beforehand.