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Reaction to oil type?


New member
Hey guys first post but been lurking since back on Reddit. I was wondering if anybody’s ever had a bad reaction to carrier oil before? Specifically grapeseed. I’ve had cotton seed and sesame seed oil as well as EO in the past and other than a weird coppery taste the eo gave me during injections I never had an issue but I am using 50mg test prop / 50mg tren ace ed from altered genetics (I bought it November last year so not bunk) And I am getting very red blotchy skin that itches around the injection sites that lasts for around 3 days. I’ve never run prop or tren before and while the cycles going well so far these reactions are killing me and I can’t figure out if it’s the oil or the gear. Thinking maybe I’ll pick up some Claritin or something and see if it helps.
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New member
It’s likely the prop. I can’t use prop at all. My first time ordering I bought 5 vials and I got the same symptoms as you. Tried each vial and after talking with the seller we came to a conclusion my butt didn’t like prop. I’d be informed for 5 days at a time no matter where I injected.
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New member
Damn that’s a bummer, have you tried any other short ester tests? I ran TNE for 4 weeks twice a day with no issues maybe I’ll go back to that, ran it through a slin pin too it was nice.
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New member
Tried Test no ester and got through a whole vial no problems. The only thing that kills me is guiacol? and test prop.
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New member
Not too many carry it but try Test Ace. It’s not as bad as Prop as far as PIP n with the ester weight being less u get about 10% more hormone over prop.
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New member
kagebounshin" pid='11499' dateline='1525472994:
Hey guys first post but been lurking since back on Reddit. I was wondering if anybody’s ever had a bad reaction to carrier oil before? Specifically grapeseed. I’ve had cotton seed and sesame seed oil as well as EO in the past and other than a weird coppery taste the eo gave me during injections I never had an issue but I am using 50mg test prop / 50mg tren ace ed from altered genetics (I bought it November last year so not bunk) And I am getting very red blotchy skin that itches around the injection sites that lasts for around 3 days. I’ve never run prop or tren before and while the cycles going well so far these reactions are killing me and I can’t figure out if it’s the oil or the gear. Thinking maybe I’ll pick up some Claritin or something and see if it helps.
Curious how this is playing out. I was running a Sus/Tren E/Deca stack and almost immediately on the 3rd shot (day 10-11 after starting) I got crazy hives at the injection site. Too many compounds to point a finger, too much juice, too many things i never tried. All from the same UGL “Stack Pharmaceuticals” went to the dr to make sure it was only skin and not infection, confirmed. Been taking Claritin everyday for well over a week, and some benadryl. It’s subsiding greatly after several days.

I ended up just dumping all those vials (what a shame, still like 9.5ml in each) and just getting some Test E 200mg. Unfortunately all I could source was the same brand UGL. Started shooting delts. Watching them like a hawk to see if the hives will arrive. They seem to come on delayed like 48+ hrs after pinning.

Have to pin again on monday and am concerned. Both my glutes are still healing, and the first delt I pinned looks suspect, slightly red but not crazy (yet), second delt seems ok, just typical PIP from virgin muscle.

Will have to either pin over healing glutes, or pin over delts on Monday. If I pin the delt again and it causes enough extra histamine to break out, that’s going to blow.

Patiently waiting on a shipment of a new brand, to see if the oil or UGL is the catalyst. Of course the weird brand I got at the gym has such a generic looking label, no telling what type of oil it is etc.

Claritin>bendryl for pills, then get benadryl cream for the skin.

Hopefully switching brands resolves this for me. LMK your resolve. Best of luck to you.
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New member
Sounds like a very similar reaction. Part of my problem was certainly that I had ordered the wrong pins and for the first week was using 1/2" pins, I thought if I buried them they’d be fine but not so, not only did I end up with pip and red itchy blotches but large lumps where I’m guessing the oil didn’t make it into the muscle, 10-12 days later the lumps are smaller but still there but it really emphasised the reaction. Now I’m pinning 1" and I am still getting red itchy skin for about 3 days but I’m just dealing with it. I picked up some Claritin today I’m going to give it a shot and like Jeff said my next run I’m going to try test Ace for sure. Hopefully that will solve all the issues. In the meantime I’ve got an itchy 5 weeks left.
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New member
You’re pinning glutes with 1/2"?? Yeah that’s short, even 1" is short unless you are really lean. 1.5" for VG is most popularly recommended. I was all contorted shooting my buttcheek, trying to push thick oil through a thin needle, looked back and the damn needle was pulling out and I surely shot some sub-q in the fat. Yeah lumps up, but it goes away, slower if you shot alot above the muscle. Do some ibuprofin to help and it will work itself out. It is not as much a concern as the rash IMO.
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