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[Source] Mint Anabolics


Active member
A little announcement...

I had some personal tragedy hit out of nowhere, don't want to go into detail, but I am going to be out of pocket for a few days. Not sure exactly how long, but I will be back by the end of next week.

Any orders made and paid though tomorrow morning will go out tomorrow. I will not be able to take orders after today. I'm not sure how often I'll be able to check emails until I get back. One of the downsides of being a one man band is shit like this ceases ops for a bit, but it is what it is.

I do want to say I really appreciate all of you guys and all of the great interactions I've had with a lot of you through email. Every day is a blessing, hug your loved ones! You never know if you're gonna get another chance
My man, much respect to you and urs, keep your head up soldier💪


Active member
Were you doing this in an off season context? Or cutting?
When im cruising I do from time to time throw in some low dose primo with my low dose test. (ie 200t 200p)I've always heard u have to run these huge mgs of Primo to reap the benefits and this may hold true in Some of its benefits, but just the small dose i listed above was great for a cleaner look and it allowed me to hold onto the majority of my gains from previous blast🤷 Yes, cutting was Test Cyp500,Mast200Primo200,Var50ed. Watch estrogen, i always keep Dball around (hate A.Is) for when my est bottoms out and will take 50mg Dball morning an night within 2days im leveled


Active member
EQ messes with my estrogen and I have to run 2:1 ratio of test to EQ to feel good.
When I cut I like to keep test low as possible and run small amounts of tren and EQ, but it messes with my estrogen.

Love tren but it tanks my endurance and wind. EQ balances out the tren for me.

Might try that dbol trick see if it helps.


Active member
EQ messes with my estrogen and I have to run 2:1 ratio of test to EQ to feel good.
When I cut I like to keep test low as possible and run small amounts of tren and EQ, but it messes with my estrogen.

Love tren but it tanks my endurance and wind. EQ balances out the tren for me.

Might try that dbol trick see if it helps.
EQ and Mast together was only Compounds that's ever made my dick not work🤦 don't knw why I felt the need to share that but, facts is facts lol. Love tren, hate not being able to breathe. It's a bad look when ur only 3minutes in with ur girl and gasping like u just finished a Spartan race or some shit lol


New member

When im cruising I do from time to time throw in some low dose primo with my low dose test. (ie 200t 200p)I've always heard u have to run these huge mgs of Primo to reap the benefits and this may hold true in Some of its benefits, but just the small dose i listed above was great for a cleaner look and it allowed me to hold onto the majority of my gains from previous blast🤷 Yes, cutting was Test Cyp500,Mast200Primo200,Var50ed. Watch estrogen, i always keep Dball around (hate A.Is) for when my est bottoms out and will take 50mg Dball morning an night within 2days im leveled
You sound like you know your shit dude...other than bloods ...how do you determine if you think your E is crashing ??.its aspect that I worry about and it's so easy to get it wrong


Active member
You sound like you know your shit dude...other than bloods ...how do you determine if you think your E is crashing ??.its aspect that I worry about and it's so easy to get it wrong
First off I appreciate the compliment brother💪For me man i think the first thing i tend to notice is I'm like real spaced out and just shitty focus/you ever go to stretch cause ur body just feels tight af and when you stretch it just feels like no matter how many times you do so it isn't good enough?/Elbows feel like I got constant light case of tendonitis, Feels like my strength/pumps at the gym is non existent to the point my shit just looks flat almost 🤷. Of course the obvious constant exhaustion, lack of emotion, no desire for that one stuff we all like(🐈). I just wanted to give u a few i noticed over the 12 years and to many time to count personal experience of crashing E that you don't hear spoke on as much as the usual" tired AF " or "dick don't work" answers u normally read.. Anyway sorry for the small book i just wrote, hope it helps brother 🤝


Active member
First off I appreciate the compliment brother💪For me man i think the first thing i tend to notice is I'm like real spaced out and just shitty focus/you ever go to stretch cause ur body just feels tight af and when you stretch it just feels like no matter how many times you do so it isn't good enough?/Elbows feel like I got constant light case of tendonitis, Feels like my strength/pumps at the gym is non existent to the point my shit just looks flat almost 🤷. Of course the obvious constant exhaustion, lack of emotion, no desire for that one stuff we all like(🐈). I just wanted to give u a few i noticed over the 12 years and to many time to count personal experience of crashing E that you don't hear spoke on as much as the usual" tired AF " or "dick don't work" answers u normally read.. Anyway sorry for the small book i just wrote, hope it helps brother 🤝
Gpwol6427: PS, also if that is u on ur pro pic ur small AF fr 🤣🤣. Lol, matter of fact forget everything I just said.... Teach me🏋😄


Active member
Lol, ty brother. I gurantee u over time I have had all these asa first over the Years because In the beginning when i wasnt doing bloods🤦 i always thought my e was high so I'm taking AI with already low Est


New member
First off I appreciate the compliment brother💪For me man i think the first thing i tend to notice is I'm like real spaced out and just shitty focus/you ever go to stretch cause ur body just feels tight af and when you stretch it just feels like no matter how many times you do so it isn't good enough?/Elbows feel like I got constant light case of tendonitis, Feels like my strength/pumps at the gym is non existent to the point my shit just looks flat almost 🤷. Of course the obvious constant exhaustion, lack of emotion, no desire for that one stuff we all like(🐈). I just wanted to give u a few i noticed over the 12 years and to many time to count personal experience of crashing E that you don't hear spoke on as much as the usual" tired AF " or "dick don't work" answers u normally read.. Anyway sorry for the small book i just wrote, hope it helps brother 🤝
I appreciate the response ,, good info and it sounds a lot like what im feeling like, i was getting watery so i was hit aromasin 12.5 EOD for about 10 days and i hit a sweet spot for a few days and now i feel basically kike what you described,, like Winstrol sides and lethargy at the same time for no reason Think I might hit some cyp and take a break for a few days
Gpwol6427: PS, also if that is u on ur pro pic ur small AF fr 🤣🤣. Lol, matter of fact forget everything I just said.... Teach me🏋😄
yeah that's me ..thank you for the props I appreciate it. I'm around 240 at just about 6 foot . Honestly I am grateful to the man upstairs he gave me a good foundation to start out with ..I try and stay humble brother and approach this game intelligently .. and of course I bust my ass in the gym . My philosophy is it's not a numbers thing .. that's for powerlifters, who I respect immensely they are crazy son of a bitches 😁..it's a feel thing ..angles , contraction and intensity , time under tension etc. figuring out out your body works and what works for you . This shit is fun cuz your always learning
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Active member

I appreciate the response ,, good info and it sounds a lot like what im feeling like, i was getting watery so i was hit aromasin 12.5 EOD for about 10 days and i hit a sweet spot for a few days and now i feel basically kike what you described,, like Winstrol sides and lethargy at the same time for no reason Think I might hit some cyp and take a break for a few days

yeah that's me ..thank you for the props I appreciate it. I'm around 240 at just about 6 foot . Honestly I am grateful to the man upstairs he gave me a good foundation to start out with ..I try and stay humble brother and approach this game intelligently .. and of course I bust my ass in the gym . My philosophy is it's not a numbers thing .. that's for powerlifters, who I respect immensely they are crazy son of a bitches 😁..it's a feel thing ..angles , contraction and intensity , time under tension etc. figuring out out your body works and what works for you . This shit is fun cuz your always learning
Well said my brother, it is only from remaining humble and staying open-minded that I know what I know today. Being humble allowed me to admit I don't know everything and staying open-minded allowed me to really listen to the knowledge being shared by anyone who was willing to share it and if it was something I didn't really benefit from id keep the beneficial info and forget the rest. I use to only listen to people who looked like I wanted to look, and trained as I wanted to train because I thought these fuckers clearly got this workout shit figured out😂. Insert: as you said everybody's body is different, it really is a trail and error kind of thing until you find those workouts that really work for you that u can really see/feel that mind muscle connection on every contraction and retraction. This, T.U.T, and finding a good weight that I can really focus on the muscle being worked (making sure Im in control of the weight and not vice versa)for 8-12 slow, reps with good form(form is everything) has literally built more size and gave cleaner body development than i ever got from lifting heavy. Gained some size lifting heavy of course but for me the low rep heavy weight didn't give me the clean physic i was looking for but damn did it get me strong🤷


Active member
appreciate the response ,, good info and it sounds a lot like what im feeling like, i was getting watery so i was hit aromasin 12.5 EOD for about 10 days and i hit a sweet spot for a few days and now i feel basically kike what you described,, like Winstrol sides and lethargy at the same time for no reason Think I might hit some cyp and take a break for a few days
Man I hate to say it but I do believe it right 🫤. I would try (if you got any) taking Dball for a few days, which as I'm sure u knw is a highly estrogenic compound. I can 99% of the time take a 50mg Dball n the morn and another at night for 2 days and by day three I've usually bounced atw back.. Just a cheat that was shared with me some years back. But it idea with the Cyp might and tbh probably is the best way to go, take big enough doses to get ur e back in range and then slide it down to trt dose fora while to let ur body heal..Much respect brother💪
If he posted saying he was taking time off, l’m sure he will post when he’s back and ready to ship. I’m guessing you could still place the order and he will respond when he’s able. Minty’s a good source.


Active member
Yeah minty is worth waiting on imo.
Switched from some elses gear to mintys, exact same doses pinning schedule ext nothing different and it was night and day difference.

Even had to lower one Compound by 1/2 a ml 😎