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Traveling with gear?


New member
Jul 19, 2018
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I’ve got alot of vacation time built up as of late and am thinking about cashing it in. Now, one of the things I really enjoy about vacation is working out in cool new places which means i’ll be staying on cycle during my getaway.
I’m wondering how you guys travel with your gear and not get caught. If I were to travel overseas would I just have to order from a local source there? or maybe mail my gear over to my hotel and hope it makes it in time. I’m just curious how any of you have handled this in your lives. Maybe it can give me some ideas and open up some traveling possibilities for me. (I want to go to Japan, But they are very hard on drugs over there from what Ive heard)
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New member
Feb 21, 2018
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It’s been discussed a LOT. 1) Mail your gear to your hotel 2) carry it on in your deck kit (shaving kit) a vial and claim it is insulin or say it is testosterone your dick not work well and doctor has you on TRT 3) do not carry on vials on plane put in checked luggage.

You mention Japan, I go to japan OFTEN and needles are actually harder there then gear gear used to be legal or easily obtainable with a prescription we do have members and I have a lot of customers there. shipping NEEDLES there is harder then drugs. I had hand carried about 2000 needles and syringes my last conference there and dropped them for some members / customers.

Personally I’ve travelled most my life with gear and never had a serious issue, sometimes I siad it was insulin and I was always willing to give it up. I’ve also have claimed it was testostereone for personal use never a full vial just enough to get me through and just enough needles to use personally on a normal cycle and just say my doctor has me prescribed for TRT. Where is your prescription, well shit it’s at home sorry and look pathetic. I’ve been inspected and they’ve seen items, the only time I’ve had issues was when I had a pill that came back as narcotic turned a lovely shade of blue in the inspection testing and they had to call my doctor at home to verify I was prescribed it (which I was).

I have never taken nor will I take steroids to AUS. My buddy lives there and he gets stopped every time and anal rapped and his luggage is destroyed, he now walks up and opens up all and says yes I have steroids I already put them in my ass and if you want them you can go suck it out. IE AUS are cunts over this stuff. Now Japan, Hong Kong, China, Korea, Thailand, Cambodia, Singapore (yes singapore), USA, Turkey, UK, Spain, France, Canada, and more have all been OK for me. ONE vial and willing to surrender and apologize has never been an issue.
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New member
Jul 19, 2018
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AIPCTSHOP" pid='29230' dateline='1540948802:
It’s been discussed a LOT. 1) Mail your gear to your hotel 2) carry it on in your deck kit (shaving kit) a vial and claim it is insulin or say it is testosterone your dick not work well and doctor has you on TRT 3) do not carry on vials on plane put in checked luggage.

You mention Japan, I go to japan OFTEN and needles are actually harder there then gear gear used to be legal or easily obtainable with a prescription we do have members and I have a lot of customers there. shipping NEEDLES there is harder then drugs. I had hand carried about 2000 needles and syringes my last conference there and dropped them for some members / customers.

Personally I’ve travelled most my life with gear and never had a serious issue, sometimes I siad it was insulin and I was always willing to give it up. I’ve also have claimed it was testostereone for personal use never a full vial just enough to get me through and just enough needles to use personally on a normal cycle and just say my doctor has me prescribed for TRT. Where is your prescription, well shit it’s at home sorry and look pathetic. I’ve been inspected and they’ve seen items, the only time I’ve had issues was when I had a pill that came back as narcotic turned a lovely shade of blue in the inspection testing and they had to call my doctor at home to verify I was prescribed it (which I was).

I have never taken nor will I take steroids to AUS. My buddy lives there and he gets stopped every time and anal rapped and his luggage is destroyed, he now walks up and opens up all and says yes I have steroids I already put them in my ass and if you want them you can go suck it out. IE AUS are cunts over this stuff. Now Japan, Hong Kong, China, Korea, Thailand, Cambodia, Singapore (yes singapore), USA, Turkey, UK, Spain, France, Canada, and more have all been OK for me. ONE vial and willing to surrender and apologize has never been an issue.
Damn, thanks for the information! I never fathomed being able to take test on a plane and just being able to lie about it, but that’s exactly what guys on trt will say. I am curious about needles in japan however and if you have any effective ways of “smuggling” them in.
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New member
Feb 21, 2018
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Personal use mate, just say personal use and only take what is needed don’t take a box of 50 needles and 50 syringes. most staff at customs are used to dealing with people with medical issues just say I am on TRT or whatever you want and if they ask for a prescription surrender it

I think the MOST trouble you get is if you HIDE it. If you have it open and just say well fuck I not know and do NOT try to hide it then no big deal in most cases. And if you HIDE it and they start to look at your stuff then you will start to sweat and put off signals that you are hiding something which you are. So to me the worse thing is to HIDE or SMUGGLE just openly carry what is personal use and needed as I said has always worked for me. If you try to SMUGGLE as you said you seem like you gonna freak if theys tart looking and fidget and send of body signals to inspect you.

Most screeners don’t look at luggage they look at signals the person is putting off, looking them in the eyes, fidgetting, sweating, nervous etc… Those medical scanners that are in asian airports are biometric scanners scanning for a lot of things and do go to customs and health officials (cameras that scan you as you walk off plane and measure your body temp and other things). You said SMUGGLE and dude that is the worse thing to say or think or have in your mind. I dont’ know your cycle but shit five needles and 5 ml of an injection is not going to land you in jail you can surrender it all get a scolding and that is end of story you fuck up your cycle. You hide or try to evade that is intent and that is not a scolding and a fucked up cycle that is intent to willingly knowingly break the law. So don’t fucking hide it if you are going to carry it
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