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Winter Pharm Test C


New member
May 5, 2018
Reaction score
I just want to start a shout out to Winter Pharm. When he opened, with no minimum, I ordered a couple vials of Test C 200mg/ml as some TRT overstock. I love that he is brewing this, when I run out of my prescrition TRT or want to “save up” the legal stuff, I was just going to substitute his in without fussing with doses and numbers.

For whatever reason, I started using the 200mg C for blast. I’m using almost 500mg/week, injecting 35mg/Day. and 200mg/week Tren A, injecting 28mg/day. I am prescribed TRT 3 days a week, so the ED injection thing isn’t a huge deal for me. Weird to use CYP for ED, but hell my blood levels feel great.

I’ve been on his test for a minute and it’s saturated. I feel amazing. Started the tren about 10 days after, only started the tren 4 days ago, so not much comment there.

Will run blood work at 5ish weeks on uncapped test levels and post up, but my favorite thing about his Test C is the MCT oil. I have never used MCT as a carrier, it’s amazing. Loads in the syringe so much quicker and is a great compliment to my thick tren, so when I inject it’s not too fast and not too slow. No PIP, very smooth.

Also his labels are amazing on that product, will not say why or how, but if you see you will understand. They are functional not just pretty.

good shit man, I’ve run quite a few UGL Test’s here, and the pharama I get too, and his is as good as any (or better!)

have a good weekend ya’ll
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New member
Sep 30, 2018
Reaction score
Thank you for the review my man. Glad you’re enjoying the Test C so far, let me know how those bloods go.

As for MCT oil it’s great! only thing that is smoother is gonna be MIG840 it’s like water.
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