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[Source] MuscleCandy — musclecandy.net


New member
I received my package in a good amount of time. Muscle candy reach out to me and told me they accidentally sent a different milligram of anadrol and sent the correct dose with no hesitation. I thought this is was awesome because they fixed the problem before I even new about it. Absolutely excellent communication and customer service. Anadrol is on point and powerful and the dbol makes me feel like a God.. just like it's supposed to. I took before pictures and plan on posting the before and after pics. Muscle candy is my go to source from here on out. I look forward to trying out more of the gear. These guys conduct business like professionals!


Active member
I'd never run ugl clen, t3, or anything dosed in mcg. Just get pharma man. Can be found with some searching for decent prices.
Learned my lesson. Though I knew better in the first place. Just made an amateur mistake. I completely agree with you. I don't use UGL for any ancillary or estrogen management, but chose to pull the trigger on UGL Clen. Rookie move


Well-known member
Verified Source
I received my package in a good amount of time. Muscle candy reach out to me and told me they accidentally sent a different milligram of anadrol and sent the correct dose with no hesitation. I thought this is was awesome because they fixed the problem before I even new about it. Absolutely excellent communication and customer service. Anadrol is on point and powerful and the dbol makes me feel like a God.. just like it's supposed to. I took before pictures and plan on posting the before and after pics. Muscle candy is my go to source from here on out. I look forward to trying out more of the gear. These guys conduct business like professionals!
Glad to be of service! Looking forward to seeing the progress photos.
Thanks for the kind words! 🙂


New member
First time Ordered musclecandy, I usually go with Armani , Azteca , Goodlyfe I like to use different labs, I ordered test e Bogo , EQ , igf1 lr3 , hgh blue top kits , bac water, lady var for my gf and hcg. Package landed 3-4 days , I love the T/A. And communication with musclecandy. But one small error, I received everything on the package except the test e and EQ , i emailed them back through protonmail explaining my problem , plus is not my first time this happened, it also happened with other sources, right away within minutes musclecandy reply back said he apologized for small error and will reship the missing items. Fast forward got my reship package yesterday, not only musclecandy fix the problem he also throw some extra gears , I want to say thank you so much and I’m very pleased with your Services, also I pinned the blue top 6iu a day , man my hands were swollen and numb, I slept like a baby , I used igf1 lr3 and i really loved it makes me full and big weight gone up pretty fast . I’m loving it thank you musclecandy. Looking forward to do more business with you


New member
First experience with Muscle Candy was top notch. I ordered via their website and it was simple and quick. Received order/payment confirmation within minutes. Ordered 08/11, Shipped 08/12, landed 08/14. Just placed my 2nd order yesterday. Will definitely be a repeat customer.
Thank you all for the warm welcome and orders during the grand opening sale!!
We’ll be doing another sale in about a week or so.

Excited for you all to receive your orders and give your honest feedback!

Also, you asked and you shall receive:
Test C 250 will be posted as soon as brewing is finished up and test results are back!
Are you still planning on doing another sale? I was going to place a small order, but holding off until the next sale and going to make a bigger one if it’s still in the pipeline.

Deleted member 21405

The semaglutide I got from JA I finished a couple weeks ago. Weighed in today at 238 pounds. Started at 264. 5 days a week cardio and watching what I eat, but it has been proven effective. I was doubtful, but can vouch for it. If it's the same stuff they're selling now it is good to go


Well-known member
Verified Source
Thank you to the people who are posting such positive feedback!!! Appreciate the loyalty!

For those wondering about any upcoming sales:
We do plan on doing a sale soon, just want to get some raw shipments in first so we are certain we have enough supply for the expected demand. This may be a few weeks, sorry for the delay!

But, pay close attention to our thread, we do plan on dropping some more discount codes for whoever can snatch them up first!


Well-known member
Verified Source


Hey - I’m about to pull the plug on the sweet tooth pre but looking for anyone else’s experience with it and sides or ancillaries I might need with. I’m 6 weeks into a test primo cycle and looking to add this a few times in the next 14 weeks as a PWO on pr days but not sure if I need to be worried about sides etc. anyone that’s used got any ideas or spots to research the short acting esters?