Steroid Source Talk

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  1. P

    Joint pain in PCT

    I am in 1 week into PCT. Using 20mg Tamoxifene 12.5mg Enclomiphene. Kneesm shoulders and elbow feel dry and cold. Would this be a symptom of low e2. I read PCT can be rough, but dry joints makes squatting to any degree impossible. Is this is what expected and just deal with it for the next 3...
  2. P

    12 weeks in and feeling crappy

    12 weeks in on a 500mg test c cycle. Using HCG at 1000iu a week. Started GH 8 weeks ago at 1iu and now up to 4iu. But this last week I feel totally drained, tired: just want to sleep all day, no motivation to workout, or really eat. Feel kind of depressed actually. My wife says I am quiet. I was...
  3. P

    Blood sugar increase while on HGH

    I am in my 6 week of HGH. I started at 1.5IU, and went up .5IU every week. I am now at 4IU each day. I plan on running 4IU ED for next 5 months, and I take a gda and Berbine. My fasted blood sugar when I started was 83. It has been consistenly in low 80's for past 7 years. My fasted blood sugar...
  4. P

    E2 levels how high before you treat

    Side effect free, but bloodwork came back and e2 is 124. 500mg test cycle, bloodwork done at 6 weeks. Should I treat the estrogen or leave it alone.
  5. P

    what other forums for information source

    Just seeing what other forums (besideds reddit) people use for information and discussion of PED, supplements and nutrition.
  6. P

    When do effects beging to kick in

    Just curious, hypothetically starting a 1st cycle of 500mg Test C a week. About what week will I start seeing effects, size, strength?
  7. P

    what kind of bloodwork to get mid cycle

    On privatemdlabs cheapest route i found for mid cycle bloodwork was Unisex hormone panel without IGF. The e2 is not ultrasensitive. Its $154 with coupon. Anywhere else to get this cheaper?
  8. P

    Big name sites vs UGL

    how are the big name sites (naps, steroidify,etc..) any different from Ugl's listed here or elsewhere? I mean is it just simply reputation or fancier bottles? Just question why I would order products from Internation Warehouse in Asia vs, some places sourced on here. New to this just trying to...
  9. P

    Zelle for AAS purchase. Pros and cons

    Bitcoin seems really complicated and annoying with the fees for buying coins. What would be the issues with me using Zelle?
  10. P

    Help 1st time using bitcoin

    Seems so complicated. Trying to buy BTC using Trust wallet via simplex and , tried 3 different credit cards, 2 different debit cards, google pay and transaction failed. Feel like a total idoit but have no idea how this works, i checked everything multiple times. I called Capital One, bank of...
  11. P

    Test C or Test E

    I know there difference between the two, but reading comments everyone has there preference just not stated why. Can I get any opinions why someone would chose one over the other?