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  1. M

    PSA: If you censor your email on Jano results, censor the unique key as well.

    Nothing against you personally man, I just wanted to make sure people understood clearly what I was and wasn't saying.
  2. M

    PSA: If you censor your email on Jano results, censor the unique key as well.

    I guess I have to make this explicit, since people keep struggling to follow the original post. 1.) People should use throwaway e-mail accounts for their Jano results. 2.) Many people fuck up step 1. They use their personal e-mails to correspond with Jano and don't realize their e-mails will be...
  3. M

    Synergy Forge, Underdosed Primobolan Enanthate

    Given how positive their reputation is, and the small premium they charge over other suppliers for their excellent service, I was surprised to find that the Jano results on their primo came back seriously underdosed. Their 200mg/mL primo came back at 156.42mg/mL (that’s ~22% underdosed, or 17%...
  4. M

    Amino Asylum, Underdosed Trestolone Acetate

    Amino Asylum has a good reputation across many boards, but I haven’t seen much testing for their products. There was a relatively famous incident where their aromasin came back as anastrozole, and they waved it away as a one-time fluke (“mislabeled” according to them, and the single vial tested...
  5. M

    PSA: If you censor your email on Jano results, censor the unique key as well.

    I don’t know how many times I’ve seen this already, but people will censor their e-mail on Jano test results without realizing that anyone can see it by just looking up the task number + unique key. It even says so at the bottom of the test results. So if you’re going to use your personal...
  6. M

    Colonial Labs Raloxifene Blind Test Results

    Colonial Labs raloxifene, 50mg capsules. My ExpressPCT order was stuck and I wanted to quickly have some ralox on hand in the meantime. Sent them to Jano, glad to see the results are pretty on point (47.815mg).