Steroid Source Talk

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  1. M

    First Cycle Suggestion

    What’s up guys ? I used SARMS (RAD140 and LGD Stack) few month back and I always got told to take test because its side effects are way better. So after some research I found 500mg/wk for 12 weeks is a good starting point. I wanted to ask should I be getting test e or c and what AI (aromatase...
  2. W

    Is it worth it to start Nolvadex weeks after SARMs cycle?

    Hey there, I am 22 y/o male and was on lgd4033 5mg and mk677 12.5mg for just over a month. I stopped my cycle about 2-3 weeks ago and didn't have a PCT on hand (I know stupid). I have 50 capsules of 20mg nolvadex from deus and wondering if its still worth it to run a PCT and if so what should...