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Is it worth it to start Nolvadex weeks after SARMs cycle?

Dec 12, 2022
Reaction score
Hey there,

I am 22 y/o male and was on lgd4033 5mg and mk677 12.5mg for just over a month. I stopped my cycle about 2-3 weeks ago and didn't have a PCT on hand (I know stupid).

I have 50 capsules of 20mg nolvadex from deus and wondering if its still worth it to run a PCT and if so what should dose / time be? ideally I'm going to get my test levels done via bloodwork before starting if I need to, id like to minimize risk of gyno etc.

Thanks for insight and help.


Active member
Sep 9, 2022
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based on blood work, would a PCT be a good idea even after being off for weeks?
You were only on Sarms for a month.

You've never used anything else in the past?

If this is true then testicle atrophy isn't really gonna be the problem.

So no you don't need to PCT, but if you feel like crap at 6 weeks test LH, FSH, Total and Free T to see where you're numbers are. You could in fact have no symptoms and return to natural function without a problem at all since you're a young man.

You don't always have to PCT even though the community often defaults to this practice. You can always wait and see if your body will return to normal function naturally, this doesn't cause any harm.
Dec 12, 2022
Reaction score
You were only on Sarms for a month.

You've never used anything else in the past?

If this is true then testicle atrophy isn't really gonna be the problem.

So no you don't need to PCT, but if you feel like crap at 6 weeks test LH, FSH, Total and Free T to see where you're numbers are. You could in fact have no symptoms and return to natural function without a problem at all since you're a young man.

You don't always have to PCT even though the community often defaults to this practice. You can always wait and see if your body will return to normal function naturally, this doesn't cause any harm.