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Anxiety day after 1 st pin


New member
So I’ve been taking Anavar for 5 weeks and took my first test cup shot yesterday I know it makes no sense to do that.. but the day after pinning I got really bad anexity and hot flashes so I assumed it’s high e2 so I took 1/4 of aromasin . Could it be E2 even though Anavars not too estrogenic and I just started cyp yesterday please helpppp!!
I took only 125 mg of cyp and I’m on about 40 mg var.


Active member
I very much so doubt that it’s high E2. Hot flashes tend to be more so from low E2. I would bet your E2 is actually low because of the Anavar.

Anavar shuts down your own natural production. This is okay from an androgen perspective because Anavar is a potent androgen. The issue is that Anavar doesn’t aromatize so you end up with no estrogen in your system.

Low E2 most likely. Don’t take the AI. Keep taking the test. Shouldn’t have any estrogenic issues at all with that dose.


Active member
125mg for some guys is more than enough to ramp up your CNS to produce anxiety.

You'd been better off microdosing with say 25mg T-Cyp and then wait a couple of days and doing it again.

If you're showing signs of high E2 you'd expect some edema at the ankles, if there's none at all then I wouldn't bother with the AI that can complicate the issue.

Best approach is microdosing with anything at first and then go up until you see sides.

For right now just ride it out and don't take anything and restart with a much smaller dose in 10 days.