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Benzyol Alcohol/Benzoate Allergy in Test-E

Been on mainly TrT since May 2017. Developed a rash on my hands in February 2018ish. Woke up with insane itching fits. Switched between Test C Pharma, Test E UGL GSO and TEST E UGL MCT. All showed the same results with Texas Mass’s test e being the lowest negative affects… At this point I have eczema on my hands, primarily my right finger.

Sucks having to come off like this, but this is what it has to be… I came off as a test for 2 weeks and noticed an 80% improvement, but the mental gain losses hit hard.

Idk what to do other than hit 20mg nolva 2 weeks after stopping test and hopefully get another vial of HCG and hope for recovery.
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New member
BlakeDizzle" pid='33548' dateline='1544380530:
Been on mainly TrT since May 2017. Developed a rash on my hands in February 2018ish.
Allergies suck, and can be hard to pin down. What changed in Feb 2018?

You might be able to dial in on the problem with simple skin test (BA on skin, separate location BB on skin, separate location whatever carrier oil preceded the problem). Or not, just a suggestion with low risk and straightforward protocol.

If it was BA/BB it seems like you should have seen the problem as soon as you started using gear.

Apologies if I’m misunderstanding your specific exposure, just making some general suggestions. I have some very narrow focus food allergies that are uncommon, so I’ve been where you are.
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