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Dbol kickstart


So I have come to the conclusion I am sensitive to estrogen having said that. I want to try out dbol next cycle which I know converts to a more potent estrogen in your guys opinion would like say 15mg pre workout either only gym days or just 3 or so days out the week cause a need for a extra Ai dose ?. I would be running Test 300mg x2 a week eq 150 x2 a week plus the dbol. I had slight issue with my left nip after coming off eq last cycle week 10 I also dialed back instead of 3 ai dose to only pin days which I think bit me on that. Over all opinions on the matter any advise appreciated my Gs
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So your paragraph was a little confusing.
But, a think orals at the end of a cycle is best. IMO.
Run the test at 600mg a week as stated.
EQ at 300mg won’t do much if anything.
600-800mg a week is where you really start to see itWORK. But I’m crazy… 400-600 is also good….
In most people (like myself) EQ lowers estrogen… run the test and EQ then do Dbol at the end, and your estrogen should be fine… at 3 dosages a wk of 15mg… I would recommend 25-50mg a day. Maybe 25mg 2x a day.


Active member
Yeah these days kickstarting is kinda out of fashion. I did it too, and honestly still may in the future, but I agree with the logic of adding it at the end. If you throw the kitchen sink at the cycle at the start, you’re going to have a lot of abrupt hormonal changes and a spike in sides. Let hormones build naturally over the cycle, and let your body grow into that change. Then, when your progress is stalling at the tail end of the cycle, use orals to continue progress.
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@nswole1 sorry about that. You pretty much got at what was asking. Much appreciated
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Active member
I’m really bad with estro. I did 20mg pre as a kickstart . Instantly broke out face down to waist. Figured I’d ride it out can only get better. My mistake lol and to this day I have an issue shaking my acne. Prolly a one off type of scenario but if it happens drop that shit lmao
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New member
Kickstarting is more problematic most of the time… and if your estrogen sensitive I would use anadrol instead dbol… and I would use the anadrol middle/end of cycle… it has worked out performance/gain wise much better for me…
You want to use the boost at the middle/end when things plateu…for a strong finish
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@Forthewin1123 anadrol ? Really now I figured that was way more of an aggressive approach I am still most definetly learning from what I read watch and self experience, but isn’t that more likely to cause like some mystery gyno/progesterone issue or some shit?. And yeah man I talked with my mother she happened to give me soy milk when I was a baby so she thinks that’s why I’m seeming to be sensitive to estrogen. A few weeks after I dropped the eq from my last cycle and wanted to save some aromasin by cutting back a day seeing if I could handle needed up going right back to 12.5mg 3 days a week because my left nip seemed to get puffy and had a small lump
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Active member
Drol may give some weird gyno. It may not. It’s individual. I do think it’s rare though, it’s just that it’s the Internet and every side effect is overly represented on the Internet. Only way to know is to try it and find out, if you get symptoms discontinue use and now you know.

Also, I’d bet dbol has given a hundred times more people gyno than drol ever has.
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New member
@Jswole99 it can yes…I’ll be honest I completely forgot that… mostly beciase I never had this issue… I more or less said adrol… in terms of…if.you Gabe me a choice of one or the other… I’d pick adrol… for me it worked great and.less of a mess like I was with dbol
…it’s def more common to habe hormone issues/gyno type side effects from my research with dbol then adrol… but being new you gotta make your best choice and feel them out… at some point.ypu will likely have tried many compounds and picked your favorites by ease of use and side effects
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@Forthewin1123 very much appreciated my g , I think I’ll go adrol n see cuz I’ve definetly felt that dbol would have more problems to it just was meh on the adrol weird gyno but like yall said as time goes and experience I’ll find out.
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@Jswole99 if your bulking… and u are. You may need to force feed on Anadrol, unlike Dbol where my appetite is increased


@nswole1 honestly that is very likely I’m going to have to force feed I got really skinny fucking around after highschool years ago, think I kinda screwed my appetite because before my cycles I pretty much had to blaze mad fat to eat
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Active member
@nswole1 not exactly “clean eating” but
Cereal+skim milk+protein powder with a big ass spoon is the fucken life hack of bulk meals.

Blueberry Bagels/ cinnamon raisin are fucken great too 60g strait carbs in 6 bites
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Active member
@nswole1 yeah any works if you look at the nutritional values and mineral vitamin content of the sugary cereals they’re all exactly the same. If you don’t want the sugar content I’d recommend corn flakes or rice based cereals, but I’d stay away from Raisin Bran or oat based cereals cause they’re heavy to digest

If i feel like I need complex carbs I’ll just sub the cereal with a cup of raw oatmeal(uncooked).
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Active member
I’m pretty consistent with my orals so not sure I’d recommend the 3x a week plan and 15mgs seems really low. I’d recommend 30mgs at least, if you have 15 mg tabs. Only real time I had issue was when taking dbol with test. Using deca as a base, I’ve been able to run 100mgs/day with no issues and only started having problems after a few weeks of 150-200mgs/day.
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New member
There are so many other oral options out there that it makes no sense to try an excessively restricted approach with dbol if your body just doesn’t agree with having elevated estrogen. I was in your shoes, as I am estro sensitive myself, and ultimately I realized that it is far more practical to just run nolva/ralox and dose the dbol like a normal person with the peace of mind of knowing I’m not going to get gyno. Alternatively, as others appear to have mentioned, plenty of other orals can be chosen instead of dbol and still produce great results. No matter what, you can always rest assured that you do not need dbol to reach any of your goals so really weigh the risk:reward out for yourself relative to other orals out there. If you grow a lil’ tit are the gains you get from dbol no serm going to be so substantially different from another oral that it made it all worth it?

As for kick starting, I agree with the poster who advised using orals more towards the mid-end rather than the beginning-mid of a cycle/blast. It simply does not make any sense to use it at the beginning, and it only hinders your cycle in the end game. Orals tank lipids/liver enzymes in most cases, meanwhile injectables are much slower, gradual, and less harsh on the lipids, and typically they are not going to have a noticeable impact on your liver health - toxic exceptions like tren exist, ofc. When you start with orals you’re basically putting your body into a near immediate toxic state and tanking your blood markers. Now, yeah, you’ll come off of those orals in 30-60 days in most cases, but your injectables are all still in the equation, and that’s going to significantly hinder your body’s ability to get your lipids back up, meanwhile your liver health can impact things like your appetite which if you’re running dbol it’s assumed that you’re looking to put on weight rather than lose it. You want to maximize the time where your liver is in a healthy state if your intent is to be putting on size. Further, having the other drugs working full-force and being able to have more synergy with the oral(s) can only be a good thing opposed to how it is at the beginning where your injectable’s levels haven’t reached their ceiling/saturation.
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