Easily my favorite oral.
Mentally, it makes me feel great and generally happy go lucky about everything.
Physically, it gives my muscle bellies a fantastic full look 24/7 and I grow like a damn weed while taking it.
I weirdly don’t aromatize hard on it, nor do I get moon face.
Every time I hit a muscle group, the weights feel ridiculously lighter than the previous workout.
I take 1000mg TUDCA, 1000mg NAC every evening while running it. It’s one of the only orals that doesn’t make me lethargic, and I’m constantly hungry all day. I like to take low doses for longer periods, which to me solidifies the gains a lot better.
Typically I’ll run 20mg/day split into 3 doses.
5mg for the first 2 doses, then 10mg about an hour before lifting. I don’t feel the need to take high doses, slow and steady wins the race for me.
If I could take it year round I probably would.