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Differentiating between infection and...something else?


New member
Couple weeks ago, I went from cruising to blasting. About a week after my injection of the blast cycle, I noticed that I had some pain in my right glute where I did my first injection. I chalked it up to it being pain from training.

It kinda slowly went away but I noticed that the glute was kinda hard & swollen feeling. There wasn’t any redness or itchiness or any other telltale signs of infection. Now, a week after injecting the same spot again, it seems like it swelled up again.

I can’t twll if it’s some sort of subq leak or infection or what. Anyone got any advice? I’ll probably go to a walk in clinic tomorrow and get it checked.

Also dealing w a pilonidal cyst so it could be that
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New member
My experience - on my first cycle, I tried injecting glutes. First two injections went ok - had quite a bit of PIP, especially my left glute (I’m right handed), but nothing concerning. Third injection appeared to be ok, but the next day I got a big lump, right butt cheek turned red and felt warm. Took about 3 weeks for the lump to completely go away. Maybe I had an infection, maybe not, but that was the last time I ever injected glutes. Cruise, I do quads only. Blast w/tren ED injections, rotate quads, delts, pecs. Never once had an issue since.

You could always stick a pin where the infection seems to be, and see if you can draw out any puss - that’s a sure sign. I didn’t do this because the largest diameter needle I had was 25g, which is too small. You need something along the lines of 18g.
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One thing is for sure, do not stab yourself with an 18 gauge and try to “draw out puss”. You are recreational steroid user, not a medical practitioner, and you are not qualified to be doing shit like this (neither am I).

You have 3 options:
  1. Antibiotics (safest at home approach)
  2. Doctor (safest overall approach, will likely prescribe aforementioned antibiotics)
  3. Wait it out (riskiest, but most likely to be all that is needed 9 times out of 10)


New member
kingofcarbz" pid='76613' dateline='1576024169:
One thing is for sure, do not stab yourself with an 18 gauge and try to “draw out puss”. You are recreational steroid user, not a medical practitioner, and you are not qualified to be doing shit like this (neither am I).

You have 3 options:
  1. Antibiotics (safest at home approach)
  2. Doctor (safest overall approach, will likely prescribe aforementioned antibiotics)
  3. Wait it out (riskiest, but most likely to be all that is needed 9 times out of 10)
Didn’t think about antibiotics - order these: https://www.chewy.com/thomas-labs-fish-mox-forte/dp/157947 they are at your door in 2-3 days. They are EXACTLY the same as the amoxicillin you get from a pharmacy. And yes, I have used these for a sore throat I believed to be a bacterial illness, and felt better within 4 days. Take 4 pills/day for 7 days.
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New member
I believe it’s quite rare to get an infection unless you have a weak immune system, are a fithy human being, or have dirty gear. I’ve had hard, reddish lumps before post-injection. Recovered without any issues even if it took a week or two (maybe three?) and no other signs of being sick. Bloodwork did show elevated WBC, but that’s not out of the ordinary from me.
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Bro if you think you have an infection and you have insurance, just go to the ER. I work at a hospital and the shit we see on a regular basis(drugs, drugs and more drugs) steroids don’t rate at all. Abscesses happen with iv drug use all the time, we get most guys diagnosed scripted and out the door so quick you would think we were a jiffy lube for drug users. It’s dumb common, don’t stress it just get it checked, it’s worth it.
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New member
I’ve had about 3 friends that have had the same issue randomly post pin. They all reported to have felt a warm sensation resonating through the pin area, and after a day or so, a swollen red lump appeared. One of them took amoxicillin, the other 2 waited it out and it subsided. They never got it again, and they all follow hygienic protocol, I.e) alcohol swabbing the area and showering before pins.
I would give it a few day’s and if it doesn’t get better consider seeing a doctor.
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i’ve had the same shit happen. just wait it out. don’t pin in the same spot for 2 weeks. you’re probably fine.
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New member
Update: went to the doctor shortly after making the post. Got prescribed Keflex. Abscess is 99.9% gone. All is good.
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