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First cycle plans/suggestions


New member
Sep 12, 2024
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My goal for the first cycle is mainly just gains and strength all around, primarily upper body as my legs are fairly muscular while my lengthy arms are a pain to add bulk onto. My expectations are not to be a body builder , maybe one day but for now I’d like to simply add raw size where I’m lacking after training properly for several months.

27y/o, 6’2”, 230lbs sitting right about 20% body fat (I know). I plan on cutting down to under 15% body fat before starting. I have no issues being disciplined in my diet.

- test E 250mg E3.5 (500mg/week)
-Armidex on hand for E2 issues
-16 week cycle before dropping down to 100mg E3.5 for trt
-monitor bloods throughout cycle and once doing trt, dial in my doseage to remain steady around levels of 900 nd/gl. I know my current totals aren’t danger low however I feel a lot of the symptoms of low T. I would like to feel better all around on a baseline and am okay with this commitment.

Thank you guys for any info/suggestions. I do a lot of research myself but value experience above all.
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Active member
Sep 7, 2024
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Welcome to SST.

Respectfully, the best feedback I can give you is spend another 12 months reading and learning. Hit a big pause on your drug aspirations. Your questions suggest you've been reading for a bit but need to keep going and going before ever playing around with this stuff.


1. You've got a perfectly fine endogenous TT level in the absence of additional information. Why do you want it to be higher?

2. Please learn to use units and attach them to numbers appropriately. 900 is not a blood level. 250 mg every 3.5 is not an AAS regimen. Examples:

- 900 ng/dl
- 250 mg E3.5 days (500 mg/week)


3. Competitive bodybuilder right away? Like you could if you wanted to? What? Please provide current working weight for sets of 5 on bench, squat? Years of training?

4. Cruise at 900?

5. NO! You don't throw Dbol in at all (no, not at all) on your first foray into exogenous Test use. Why did you choose 500 mg/week?

6. Post cycle plan? You stated you are signing up to permanently use TRT for the rest of your life. What post cycle plan?

7. Are you seriously ready to significantly affect the rest of your life? You are young. You are overfat. I'd recommend focusing on your diet and training and get those dialed in for at least 5 years. You don't sound ready for this at all.

8. 200 mg/week of test ester is not TRT for the vast majority of human males on Earth.

Keep up the reading and best wishes on your journey. Happy to point you to some reading material besides reddit if you are genuinely interested.

Given your current trajectory my concern is the current plan you have presented ends in tears within the next year (>= 50% probability). I surely don't want that for you? Do you?
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Active member
Mar 14, 2024
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There's still allot you can do before going into juice. Although it would be nice to be in the 900's, do everything else before you go pinning. You're not really low. I could understand if you were in the 200's or below.
Use everything you naturally been given and have the capacity to do. Don't listen to your buddies at the gym. Research on what to eat, stay away from trend diets, and weight train regularly.


New member
Sep 12, 2024
Reaction score
Welcome to SST.

Respectfully, the best feedback I can give you is spend another 12 months reading and learning. Hit a big pause on your drug aspirations. Your questions suggest you've been reading for a bit but need to keep going and going before ever playing around with this stuff.


1. You've got a perfectly fine endogenous TT level in the absence of additional information. Why do you want it to be higher?

2. Please learn to use units and attach them to numbers appropriately. 900 is not a blood level. 250 mg every 3.5 is not an AAS regimen. Examples:

- 900 ng/dl
- 250 mg E3.5 days (500 mg/week)


3. Competitive bodybuilder right away? Like you could if you wanted to? What? Please provide current working weight for sets of 5 on bench, squat? Years of training?

4. Cruise at 900?

5. NO! You don't throw Dbol in at all (no, not at all) on your first foray into exogenous Test use. Why did you choose 500 mg/week?

6. Post cycle plan? You stated you are signing up to permanently use TRT for the rest of your life. What post cycle plan?

7. Are you seriously ready to significantly affect the rest of your life? You are young. You are overfat. I'd recommend focusing on your diet and training and get those dialed in for at least 5 years. You don't sound ready for this at all.

8. 200 mg/week of test ester is not TRT for the vast majority of human males on Earth.

Keep up the reading and best wishes on your journey. Happy to point you to some reading material besides reddit if you are genuinely interested.

Given your current trajectory my concern is the current plan you have presented ends in tears within the next year (>= 50% probability). I surely don't want that for you? Do you?
Thank you for the feedback, please send me whatever reading material you think is helpful for newer members.