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High hematocrit (HCT) from primo e?


Been on current cycle for last 12 weeks which has consisted of 400mg Test C E3.5D, 400mg Primo E E3.5D, and Trest A 40 mg EOD.
My midcycle bloodwork shows lipids elevated, liver values within range, but my HCT was at 54.3. My HCT prior to this cycle was 46.5.
Obviously, I need to lower my HCT. Safest approach would be to drop everything except for the test which I would lower to a cruise dose (150mg). However, I’ve been training for a powerlifting competition which is 8 weeks away, and I’d prefer to continue with my cycle however I know I’ll need to make some adjustments. I understand all AAS can increase HCT but I’m wondering if the primo is the primary reason why my HCT is so high.
I’m either going to lower the primo to 200mg E3.5D or replace it with Mast P 100mg EOD. May also lower Test C to 200mg. I will also begin taking naringin and donate blood. Also, I’m currently on 80mg telmisartan ED.
Any input on this?


Active member
Telmisartan lowers my HCT even on some pretty dumb doses. But yeah, primo wrecks my bloodwork, despite what everyone says about zero side effects.



Active member
I’d test my primo if I were you, if you have some way of doing it. If your lipids are wrecked I’d be highly sus that it’s masteron. I’ve been on primo a long time and my lipids look better on it than off


@effswithtren @damocles13 A reason I believe it’s the primo causing the increase in HCT is that fact that the drug is “used mainly in the treatment of anemia due to bone marrow failure.” Wikipedia citing Endocrinology: Adult and Pediatric E-Book by J. Larry Jameson; Leslie J. De Groot (25 February 2015). Granted, I’m aware that may be a crap source. I don’t know. I just figured if it was used to treat anemia then it would reason that it increases HCT. That’s why I was considering switching to Mast with the hope that it wouldn’t increase HCT. But, as @damocles13 pointed out, I do know that Mast is known for its negative effect on lipids.
I guess the only reason I’m holding on to either Primo or Mast, is that fact that I’ve run almost every cycle I’ve done with a DHT derivative. And again, with the three total substances I’m on it could really be a combo of all them increasing my HCT.


Active member
@sbdman I don’t doubt it’s the primo. If you’re like me anyway. Everyone always says it’s perfectly side effect free. Dunno. Highest my HCT ever got was on a little test and 600 primo.


@damocles13 and I’ll definitely have my primo tested because my lipids are wrecked pretty bad right now. If it’s not mast, then the wrecked lipids is probably from the MENT.


@prim0r0x My platelets are 368 Thousand/uL which is within range being under the max of 400. As for cardio, it’s not much. I do one hour long hikes on very easy terrain 2-3 times a week on my rest days.


Active member
I’m actually surprised the telmisartan isn’t doing more. Even @ 40mg/day it keeps me around 45 no matter how much dumb shit I’m running.


New member
@sbdman what is the name of the clinic? I’ve been trying to get it prescribed by my PCP but he says no just stop doing steroids you don’t need it lol. Also how much are you paying?


Active member
@sbdman it’s not indicative of lesser quality at all bro. All of our pharma Meds are manufactured and imported from India and other countries. If you see an American address on a pharma bottle you’ll notice it just says “distributed by” or “imported by.” We make barely anything stateside