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Jun 30, 2024
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I’ve recently stumbled into 8 vials of humalog, and have never used insulin, blah blah, looking for someone to basically say yup sounds good or no horrible idea
I’ll add as much information as possible but I plan on using 1 time per week(current high carb day/lacking body parts day)

This is my plan
50mg sust ed
4ui growth ed
(No added fat/270g protein spread out)
Meal one 40 carbs w/5ui insulin
Meal 2 50 carbs no insulin
Meal 3 50 carbs w/5ui insulin
Meal 4 50 carbs no insulin
Meal 5 preworkout 100 carbs w/10 ui insulin
Intraworkout (legs/arms) 60 carbs no insulin
Meal 6 185 carbs no insulin

This is what I’m currently doing, the insulin would be the only new thing. My current blood glucose fasted is just around 90 and I haven’t seen it higher than 130.


Active member
Jun 19, 2024
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3x a day is probably overkill for your first time

I would even stick to 1x post workout until you figure out how your body responds and the carbs needed because you’re definitely going to go hypo a few times until you figure it out

I do 10iu pre or post and then rarely i’ll do another 5-10iu at the first meal if yesterdays workout was really good

any extra id probably put on more fat than it would do good

what’s your stats?

also whoever started recommending injecting long esters every day on this forum needs to be shot idk how this is a thing now
Jun 30, 2024
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3x a day is probably overkill for your first time

I would even stick to 1x post workout until you figure out how your body responds and the carbs needed because you’re definitely going to go hypo a few times until you figure it out

I do 10iu pre or post and then rarely i’ll do another 5-10iu at the first meal if yesterdays workout was really good

any extra id probably put on more fat than it would do good

what’s your stats?

also whoever started recommending injecting long esters every day on this forum needs to be shot idk how this is a thing now
6’ 240 maybe14% bf, I have a person watching my nutrition/body comp, they aren’t knowledgeable on drugs stuff tho. Currently bulking. I agree that longer ester test ED is overkill just a habit from blasts w/ other compounds and I prefer smaller pins


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2023
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I'd do it once per day right before you workout with carbs. I'm talking eat med GI carbs, shot, gym. Then carbs as you workout and meal pretty soon after. No need to jump to 3x/day until you know your response.


Jun 11, 2019
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There’s many ways to effectively incorporate Humalog but I agree with the above users, stick to 1x a day to start. That could be with your pre meal, right before entering gym or your post meal. Any and all will work if your diet is setup correctly for slin use.