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Is 22 too young for first cycle?


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Oct 16, 2018
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I’m 22 years old, 160lbs, 5’8. I’ve been working out about 3 years now. I’m looking to get to about 170-175 but lean. If I had to guess I’m about 15% bf. I can post pictures if necessary. I’m thinking of a test e only cycle for about 10 weeks. Pinning 250mg every Monday and Thursday. Running Nolva as a PCT starting day after last pin at something like 40/40/20/20. I’ll eat about 2500-3000 calories a day. I’m not looking to blow up. Like I said I’m looking to put on about 15lbs. Any advice would be appreciated.
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Mar 9, 2018
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Cut right now naturally before starting a cycle. Get to a legit 8% natural. At that point you’ll be primed for some gains. Hop on cycle right when you finish your cut. Week 1-3 start reverse dieting back to maitnance. Week 3-10 bulk at 300 above your maitnance. This will be your best bet. Manage your Estro Adex or Aromasin. You dont want to gain a lot of water. This will be your best approach you might only gain 10 pounds, but you will look a lot different. But wtf do I know lmao. This is just my opinion, please be safe with whatever you do
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Feb 18, 2018
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3 years isn’t a long time. You have the best hormones floating around in you right now and its all natural. You’re just going to cycle on, gain some size/puff, it won’t be mature muscle, then go right off, lose mass, and most likely mentally fuck your head with pct.

You’re going to do what you want anyways but the people who don’t touch chemicals until they’re AT LEAST 25 and after years of training almost always last longer, are healthier physically and mentally, and are grateful they waited.

Also, what are your goals? Just to get bigger brah? Or make a career out of it?

22 years old and you haven’t even come close to physiologically peaking yet. Just wait, and build good habits now. You can always hop on any time. You can never take that choice back.
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New member
Apr 29, 2018
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Too young? Nah

Too inexperienced? ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY

You have so much more natural potential before you hop on the sauce
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New member
Feb 14, 2018
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I was younger then you when I did my first cycle which is stupid looking back at it. However, I was bigger then you when I was 14 and I’m not a genetic monster. Before hopping on the juice, get diet and training under control and more experience under your belt. You’re at 15% bf and I would tell you to drop it lower before a cycle but then that puts you around the 140-150’s. Read and learn more brother and it will help you a lot when you decide to do your first cycle, and your first cycle will be more effective.
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New member
Apr 2, 2018
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Your lack of inexperience is the only issue with you starting gear. Age? Fuck no. “Wait until you are older, you are in your prime”… No… You are in your prime to start fucking taking gear. I agree it’s a long road, but what the fuck is the point of spending the 5-6 years it takes to develop an amazing physique, if you are going to be done by the time you are 30-35…? Not to mention your body’s natural aging process. You wanna start as that’s occuring, by all means go ahead. See how far you get. I would say the best time to begin taking gear, is between the ages of 20-23. I’ll surely get shit for saying this, but start when you are in your prime, whilst you still have your youth. That being said, you need to spend ADEQUATE time learning, researching, and developing a proper understanding for anabolics.
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New member
Feb 21, 2018
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started at 23 now i’m 25. still blasting like a reckless user.
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Age isn’t an issue, but based on your experience level and goals, it’s both premature and unnecessary. If you were a devoted bodybuilder/powerlifter/athlete with aspirations I’d be all for it at any age, but you’re a recreational lifter with no goals beyond being just that-you don’t even want to get big (basing it off of what you said in the OP). Steroids aren’t needed to be an average bro gym goer (no offense intended).
Masterofron" pid='28121' dateline='1539754520:
Your lack of inexperience is the only issue with you starting gear. Age? Fuck no. “Wait until you are older, you are in your prime”… No… You are in your prime to start fucking taking gear. I agree it’s a long road, but what the fuck is the point of spending the 5-6 years it takes to develop an amazing physique, if you are going to be done by the time you are 30-35…? Not to mention your body’s natural aging process. You wanna start as that’s occuring, by all means go ahead. See how far you get. I would say the best time to begin taking gear, is between the ages of 20-23. I’ll surely get shit for saying this, but start when you are in your prime, whilst you still have your youth. That being said, you need to spend ADEQUATE time learning, researching, and developing a proper understanding for anabolics.
100% with you man. I wanna be jacked in my youthful prime. Nobody cares how jacked the 35 year old dude is, but a jacked 21 year old is jaw dropping to most. Waiting until you’re past your prime to look your best in the physique department seems counter productive to me. It’s fighting a losing battle, as your facial attractiveness withers away with age you begin to compensate with a better physique? I want both lol


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Aug 21, 2018
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Atrophy_Boy" pid='28125' dateline='1539755129:
started at 23 now i’m 25. still blasting like a reckless user.
crusing in between hopefully? im in the same spot as OP (190 / 12% bf tho natty). regular bloods mean a lot as well

kingofcarbz" pid='28127' dateline='1539757963:
Age isn’t an issue, but based on your experience level and goals, it’s both premature and unnecessary. If you were a devoted bodybuilder/powerlifter/athlete with aspirations I’d be all for it at any age, but you’re a recreational lifter with no goals beyond being just that-you don’t even want to get big (basing it off of what you said in the OP). Steroids aren’t needed to be an average bro gym goer (no offense intended).
Masterofron" pid='28121' dateline='1539754520:
Your lack of inexperience is the only issue with you starting gear. Age? Fuck no. “Wait until you are older, you are in your prime”… No… You are in your prime to start fucking taking gear. I agree it’s a long road, but what the fuck is the point of spending the 5-6 years it takes to develop an amazing physique, if you are going to be done by the time you are 30-35…? Not to mention your body’s natural aging process. You wanna start as that’s occuring, by all means go ahead. See how far you get. I would say the best time to begin taking gear, is between the ages of 20-23. I’ll surely get shit for saying this, but start when you are in your prime, whilst you still have your youth. That being said, you need to spend ADEQUATE time learning, researching, and developing a proper understanding for anabolics.
100% with you man. I wanna be jacked in my youthful prime. Nobody cares how jacked the 35 year old dude is, but a jacked 21 year old is jaw dropping to most. Waiting until you’re past your prime to look your best in the physique department seems counter productive to me. It’s fighting a losing battle, as your facial attractiveness withers away with age you begin to compensate with a better physique? I want both lol
this 100%. Start first cycle when 40+ yrs old lol. logically makes more sense because the ‘sides’ aren’t as bad/meaningful since they come with aging. [low test/male pattern baldness - POSSIBLE infertility/reduction of test production] but honestly some people would rather peak early and experience that euphoria of being ‘yoked’ at a young age.

this isn’t to say that being big/lean will solve all or any of your problems. its just a physique. responsible use is key. don’t end up under 30 dead from cardiac arrest because you didn’t do your bloods/ate like shit
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New member
Apr 21, 2018
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I started growth hormone at 20, bnc at 21. If you going to do at any age, accept the risks . Waiting a year or two won’t make it healthy.
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New member
Oct 14, 2018
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Ideally, yes. I tend to like to point out that decision making at 22 isn’t what its going to be even 3-4 years later. I am not trying to be rude or anything like this. The fact that you are asking this question is good though. People really tend to focus on physical health but there is a lot more to it. I shudder to think of me on gear at 22, I was a dumbass at that age. Not that I am still not, I just am less impulsive and shit.

For those that don’t say that people don’t care if you look good at 30-35… you would be very surprised. I look way better and also make better decisions and am just overall more appealing once I hit my late 20s. Which brings me to my last point:

Don’t get on gear to get validation from other people. So many people do this and you really could fuck yourself up. By the way, your brain is still developing until 25ish. And people will also use shit like Tren, which we don’t know much about anyways.

When you are using something like AAS, you need to be brutally and completely self honest with yourself. Lots of us getting into lifting for a variety of reasons. I was insecure as fuck back when I first started lifting weights. Yes, its great to look good and I enjoy it, but I don’t do it for other people. Anabolic have made me make some impulsive choices, especially in the relationships department.
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New member
Aug 24, 2018
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I’d have to disagree with the general consensus in here. I started lifting (poorly) at 16 and hopped steroids at 19. I went from 120lbs and currently weigh 240lbs at 25 years old. Just depends on your goals, how serious you want to be, deciding whether or not this is something that’s going to be long term for you, etc. Think about it. It’s a big decision. I thought about it for roughly 3-4 months doing research every night and joining every forum imaginable before pulling the plug. Be smart and make a good decision that’s best for you in the long run.

Not based upon your age or experience, but I would say no solely on your goals. My $0.02
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