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MENT Enanthate hard to find


Aug 22, 2018
Reaction score
Can anyone advise why MENT enanthate is so hard to find? I got ahold of some a few months back and ran a cycle, and it was quite euphoric; just in the sense that after 11 years of AAS usage, cycles just didn't have the same punch they used to. MENT changed that for me. It's been years since I felt so full and strong, and I actually watched the scale jump up again as well as making significant strength gains in my lifts. In addition to all that, it had a very insignificant impact on my health and very little impact on my blood pressure. All I can find now is short eshter MENT and with my work/travel schedule it's hard to dose like I should. Any suggestions or do any sources here ever have plans to stock MENT E?


Mar 10, 2022
Reaction score
Can anyone advise why MENT enanthate is so hard to find? I got ahold of some a few months back and ran a cycle, and it was quite euphoric; just in the sense that after 11 years of AAS usage, cycles just didn't have the same punch they used to. MENT changed that for me. It's been years since I felt so full and strong, and I actually watched the scale jump up again as well as making significant strength gains in my lifts. In addition to all that, it had a very insignificant impact on my health and very little impact on my blood pressure. All I can find now is short eshter MENT and with my work/travel schedule it's hard to dose like I should. Any suggestions or do any sources here ever have plans to stock MENT E?
Like you, MENT was a game changer for me strength wise. I totally understand about the issues with MENT Ace since it has to be pinned ED/EOD. So, I’ve been searching high and low for MENT E. @tejascardinal did mention at one point that they were planning to sell it but I haven’t seen any movement on that. The other day I took the plunge and bought 3 vials of MENT Decanoate from Amino Asylum (literally the last place I want to but anything from but that’s how bad I wanted MENT in a long ester, haha). Anyways here the link to that source:
