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NPP or Decca

Hey guys, so I want to either run Decca or NPP my next cycle. I’ve only used Test C and E as well as Anadrol. I’ve heard Decca creates blot but NPP is much harsher. Which one do you prefer and why?

If I do run NPP should I inject 4x a week?

I’m thinking of doing 500mg Test , 400mg Decca or NPP and Dianabol 50 mg
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The Bodybuilding Admin
Staff member
@Jtdaniels123 I’ve never heard of NPP being more harsh.

I absolutely 100% prefer NPP over Deca. Deca will bloat you more, it takes forever to kick it and become saturated and all the weight is a bunch of water. This is also where the joint protection comes from, extra water.

NPP is pinned EOD as a prop ester.

And are you sure about Dbol? You’ll be all watery and bloaty IMO.
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@CaptainAmerica said in NPP or Decca:
@jtdaniels123 I’ve never heard of NPP being more harsh.

I absolutely 100% prefer NPP over Deca. Deca will bloat you more, it takes forever to kick it and become saturated and all the weight is a bunch of water. This is also where the joint protection comes from, extra water.

NPP is pinned EOD as a prop ester.

And are you sure about Dbol? You’ll be all watery and bloaty IMO.
So forget the Dbol and run Anadrol or just test and NPP? I heard NPP was harsh on the wiki on r/steroids.
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The Bodybuilding Admin
Staff member
@Jtdaniels123 Depends on how much water retention you’re willing to sacrifice. I would personally skip the oral and give just test/NPP a go.

I couldn’t find that in the compound profiles section of the Wiki there but NPP wouldn’t be any more or less harsh than Deca. They’re practically the same except ester and I wouldn’t consider them harsh personally.

I also just checked LLewellyn’s and it’s got the same concerns as any other steroid. Nothing concerning than the standard cholesterol and test suppression.
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Active member
Not sure why it would be more ‘harsh’, whatever that means in this context. It’s the same compound, just a faster ester. That will impact the usual things that go with that, water retention, injection frequency, kick-in/drop-off time, etc. I have experience with deca and personally I blow up like a fucking balloon any time I even look at salt or carbs. I’m swapping over to NPP next time in hopes that I bloat at least a little less and that it kicks in faster. Personally I don’t really notice dick for at least the first 5-6wks of deca. Once it’s saturated though you look ungodly full and thick.
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Deca will increase appetite, which is also SOMEWHAT of the reason you get so fucking big on it. Anadrol suppresses appetite.

Test + deca /npp+ dbol
Test + deca/npp

Wouldn’t use anadrol for the appetite reason, but maybe it won’t effect your appetite. Just don’t want to see you waste money on a cycle and then not be hungry lol. Drugs need food.


Active member
I much prefer short esters…. A decent intro for you might look something like an 8-10 week cycle
50 test prop EOD and 50 NPP EOD.
Easy, simple…… depending on how you respond, this should give minimal bloating……tbol would be a nice oral to add in…much prefer tbol over dbol
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New member
@Jtdaniels123 So for your first run, I’d usually recommend NPP for its faster clear time. While I love Deca, its a very long ester that will remain in your system well after your last shot, and take time to build up. In addition, Deca retains a bit more water. Overall, if you have sides, its easier to drop/ lower the dose on NPP where you’ll clear it out faster, than to wait on Deca. Also, with either make sure to have Caber & a SERM in case of any progestrone/ estro issues. I’d recommend Letrizole, as it directly targets the fat under the nipples. Hope that helps!
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New member
Id structure it like this.

Every week:
Test P at 250
NPP at 200 initially
Mast P 250

Using some Mast along with the NPP usually fixes most issues that NPP or Deca can bring to the bedroom.
I wouldnt even bother with an oral.
Pin ED or EOD with both - I prefer backloading slin pins and pinning ED regardless of ester I feel sides are the lowest when dosed with that frequency.

If you tolerate the NPP well (no gyno, dick works, etc…) You have room t bump the NPP or Mast midway through
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