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Pharm Grade to US?


New member
Oct 13, 2021
Reaction score
I know there are a few sources here that have Pharm-grade products on their lists; my question is, which have you ordered from, and was the product legit?

I feel the anxiety of finding a raw source, brewing it, and hoping a UGL is legit, isn’t worth the money, and it’s best to pay top dollar for pharm grade, whose quality must be top notch and there isn’t any guess work. After all, we are putting things in our body and we shouldn’t be cheap about it.

I came to this conclusion after my spat with PPL on here, feeling drained with all the back and forth, and trying to find other sources, and reading countless reviews…none of this is worth it; it is better to pay for the piece of mind then guess.

Of course, the risk is always whether or not those pharm products are counterfeit, which is why I’m posting this.

Let me know your experience/opinions!

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“Pharm Grade” can be faked as well. At the end of the day find a source you trust with blind testing.