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Post Cycle Depression?


New member
Bit of a lurker here, I can usually find what I need to thanks to the search bar. I’m here for my first roast.
Ran test only blast/cruise for 2 years now. Felt amazing, never had issues after coming off a blast.
2 weeks ago I came off of Deca (12 weeks - 400mg/week - 200mg/2x weekly) while blasting test e (12 weeks - 500mg/week - 250mg/2x weekly) aromasin (12.5mg - 1x weekly)

Currently on nolva (40mg daily) test e (150mg/week - 75mg/2x weekly)

*planning on getting blood work done next week to compare to baseline*

I’m starting to feel rough, depressed? Is this normal when coming off a cycle? I realize my hormones are most likely going crazy without exogenous hormones being added.

Lack of sleep, little motivation, emotional at times.

Do I bump nolva up? Should I switch to clomid? Or do I ride it out because my body is freaking out without the deca?

Clearly bloodwork will be the tell all, and if that is the case I’m ready for my roast session to begin.

I just wanted to know if it is typical to feel depressed after such cycle (especially being my first true cycle). I’ve never have had to deal with depression, or whatever this is, in my life, so it’s all new feelings to me.

Thanks for giving me a dumb question section to ask a probably dumb question.


New member
Nandralone or Deca is going to leave metabolites in your system for a very long time. I would recommend cruising on TRT (100-200mg) for at least 6 months (1 year is better) before attempting to PCT. There are still going to be Deca metabolites in your system after you finish your PCT and you will still be suppressed. PCT will not expedite the removal of metabolites but rather just tell your testicles, it is time to turn back on. You need to give your body time to metabolize.

This is completely normal and what it feels like to have low testosterone. It is not your fault and while Thatguy1985 provides good relative advice, this is going to be an uphill battle with low T. You can get Free and Total T levels blood tests to confirm your suppression.

Good Luck.
Why are you running Test with nolva? You need to completely stay off exogenous hormones for several weeks before starting any sort of PCT. As the other guy mentioned Deca has a pretty long half life and it will be months before it and its metabolites clear out and are no longer suppressing you. You’re gonna have to run a TRT dose of just Test while you wait for that to happen and probably add in HCG to get your nuts working meanwhile. Also theres no reason to run Nolva at that high of a dose, you’re just going to get more side effects. 10-20mg ED is just as effective as 40 and you’re probably going to have to do a longer PCT more towards 6-8 weeks since you’ve been BnC for a while. You should really read up a bit more on this stuff if you want the best chance of recovering your HPTA to as close to what it was before cycle.