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Quick solutions for appetite issues on cycle


New member
So because this gets brought up at least once a week in a new thread on this forum, here’s quick solutions from myself and four guys I lift with from different lifting backgrounds:
  1. Method I use, which I learned from a Stan Efferding video. When you know you’ll have a meal coming up in a bit but don’t know if you’ll be able to stomach it or just genuinely do not feel hungry yet, eat one Doritos or other potato chip. JUST ONE. Put the chips away and you will definitely be craving food when it’s meal time. One chip will not offset your diet plan and it will make you so damn hungry. Just don’t binge on the chips instead of the meal.
  2. Change your diet. We know that macronutrients can come from so many different sources, so if it’s hard for you to stomach another meal of the same reheated slop then change it up. There is nothing wrong with finding a different diet plan than the basic chicken, rice, veggies concept. Pick the foods that YOU WILL ACTUALLY ENJOY EATING and DON’T BE AFRAID TO CHANGE THE FOODS ANYTIME!
  3. Not as much a food fix as it is a mindset change: Identify which compounds influence your appetite in which direction (Some make you hungrier, others kill appetite) and simply avoid the appetite killers while bulking altogether and stick with the appetite killers while cutting. May not be what some people want to hear, but definitely worth thinking about. Note that you can build the same physique and lifts on more or less any set of compounds, and a shit load of guys build great bodies or hit big PRs on just some Test.
  4. Be more active during the day. Try to do less sitting around, more moving around. The body isn’t going to be craving a big meal every few hours if all it’s done before that meal is sit around sedentary and burn barely any calories. Not applicable to everyone of course, but if you can find ways to be even a little more active then it’ll all add up.
  5. Get rid of all other appetite suppressants in your life. In our modern age, it’s very easy to consume hundreds and hundreds of mgs of caffeine (suppressant) and if you’re banging an energy drink and half a pot of coffee every day it’s very easy to run on no food and not feel any desire for food. Get your body down to a point where it doesn’t even need that caffeine to run all day and it’ll begin craving food like you want it to.
Hope some of this is useful to those of you struggling with your meals and weight gain. End of the day, willpower is the biggest solution to it all but these ideas may help when willpower is running a bit low. Also your organs might just be under a lot of fucking stress and the issue could be that you need some probiotics or something to balance out the stomach and liver and blah blah before someone tries to come in and make that point.
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