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New member
Sarms are bullshit and a waste of money. People that are using them have never used gear before and their ‘extra gains’ are 90% in their head.

$ better spent on proven drugs.
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New member
LGD + TRT = good trap gains, but probably as a result of it tanking my SHBG more than anything else.
RAD140 by itself to retain muscle during a cut = 0 effect
n = 1
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never used them. anyone used anything in that sarm category along with gear? id be intrested in yk-11. i have a couple bottles just haven’t used it yet I’m going to wait until a bit and see what its like.
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New member
“10gramsuvtrenEOD” pid=‘7484’ dateline=‘1523645247’ said:
anyone used anything in that sarm category along with gear? id be intrested in yk-11.
Tren and masteron are actually sarms. They’re just steroidal sarms. And yk-11, much like tren, is a steroidal sarm.

It really doesn’t even belong in the same category as Ostarine or LGD which are non-steroidal.

Anyway, to OP’s topic, non-steroidal sarms aren’t much use once you’ve used steroids. They can have a major impact on natural lifters. But they won’t push you past your natural genetic limit, so they’re basically pointless for even former AAS users(much less active users).
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scrapiron__" pid='7471' dateline='1523642804:
Sarms are bullshit and a waste of money. People that are using them have never used gear before and their ‘extra gains’ are 90% in their head.

$ better spent on proven drugs.
This is completely inaccurate. Gw mixed with a tren run is a god send.
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New member
Tacojose" pid='7497' dateline='1523647904:
scrapiron__" pid='7471' dateline='1523642804:
Sarms are bullshit and a waste of money. People that are using them have never used gear before and their ‘extra gains’ are 90% in their head.

$ better spent on proven drugs.
This is completely inaccurate. Gw mixed with a tren run is a god send.
Sarms are bullshit in the sense that they cost 2-3x the amount gear does to run them for just as long. With barely any results.

Care to explain why you combine GW and tren?
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New member
scrapiron__" pid='7498' dateline='1523648043:
Tacojose" pid='7497' dateline='1523647904:
scrapiron__" pid='7471' dateline='1523642804:
Sarms are bullshit and a waste of money. People that are using them have never used gear before and their ‘extra gains’ are 90% in their head.

$ better spent on proven drugs.
This is completely inaccurate. Gw mixed with a tren run is a god send.
Sarms are bullshit in the sense that they cost 2-3x the amount gear does to run them for just as long. With barely any results.

Care to explain why you combine GW and tren?
Gw is Supposed to counteract the endurance decrease that people experience from tren. I personally have never tried the combo but i have used gw-501516 raw form from purple panda labs. I do not know if it was placebo or not, but i could defiantly run for a longer period of time without getting winded. It was worth the shot to try it from him as the powder form is pretty cheap as compared to these “research companies” that sell it for 5x the price and it probably is bunk. So if you want to take the gamble i would go with GW-501516 and tell me if you feel an endurance increase. Its also reported that it increased cancer cells in rats but they were taking around 50x the recommended dosage. I believe it is around 20mg a day for us and the half life is over 24 hours.
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New member
Ive experimented with rad 140 along with some other sarms. Save your damn $$ is my advice. Every sarm i have tried produced little to no real results and always eventually made me feel like utter shit. But there will always be the sarms apologists that come out tooting so that people believe they are steroids light. Garbage is a good word that comes to mind. So if you like buying someone elses garbage, then dont let me stop you. YRMV.
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Well technically GW isn’t a SARM lol. It’s a PPAR receptor agonist. Similar to how MK-677 isn’t a SARM but is usually discussed like it is.
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New member
I know it isnt a sarm but MK677 is pretty legit ive only been running it for a few weeks but its already drastically increased my sleep quality and appetite…dealing with some bloat but from what I hear it passes in time. Any bros here run mk677?
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I’ve read previously but have no sources that RAD has an affinity for binding to the androgen receptors of the prostate and simply occupying the spot without activating them thus providing a protective effect on the prostate to prevent it from being acted upon by androgenic hormones. So if you’re the type that experiences BPH it may be worth looking into for this purpose. Don’t have time to go looking for a source for ya’ll. If somebody finds one please share and save me the time lol. Hopefully tomorrow.
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New member
Run Rad-140 for prostate benifit only as far as muscle growth or retention with it I’ve noticed nothing.
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New member
If it is taking up receptors in your prostate it will also take up receptors elsewhere yeah? So instead of your gear hitting it there will occasionally be rad in the way? Or am I just be a bro scientist here?
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New member
scrapiron__" pid='7581' dateline='1523678715:
If it is taking up receptors in your prostate it will also take up receptors elsewhere yeah? So instead of your gear hitting it there will occasionally be rad in the way? Or am I just be a bro scientist here?
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I can’t definitely answer the question regarding RAD and different receptor affinity. Clomid, Nolva, and Ralox are all SERMS but Clomid almost exclusively binds to Estrogen receptors in the brain (Thus blocking E2 detection in mails and causing the feedback loop to increase GHRH secretion → FSH/LH Secretion), Ralox binds almost exclusively to E2 receptors in the breast tissue (Thus blocking E2-induced gyno), while Nolva willingly binds to any and all Estrogen receptors it finds. This is simply to say that there is obviously a mechanism which gives these different receptors in different locations are able to be differentiated. A master key for all of them but also individual keys which can’t activate the others.

Also worth noting that different compounds bind to their receptors at varying strengths. Not only with strength of activation of the receptor but also strength of binding. DHT binds harder and stronger then DHN. Proviron to SHBG over Test (freeing it).
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New member
Personally I love RAD. Feel great on it, within a few weeks on it’s very obvious my body has changed.
Pumps are great, energy is great, muscle gain is great, libido is great…only downside I’ve had is it affects my sleep.
Around 3am every night it wakes me up and I cant get back to sleep after that.
I also notice I get hair shedding at around the 8 week mark…it goes away after stopping the rad.
If it wasn’t for the hair shedding I would use RAD more often.

I’ve tried LGD and felt extremely suppressed within 2 weeks so that is a no go for me personally.
Ostarine is decent but at 25mg per day I end up with major body acne. 10mg per day is fine but the results are more subtle.
MK-677 (not really a sarm) is legit but at 25mg you can have lots of water retention. Goes away fast after stopping.
RAD/MK-677/Mod-grf/Ipam is an amazing combo for recomp

Just my 2 cents.
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New member
greenman" pid='7695' dateline='1523734910:
Personally I love RAD. Feel great on it, within a few weeks on it’s very obvious my body has changed.
Pumps are great, energy is great, muscle gain is great, libido is great…only downside I’ve had is it affects my sleep.
Around 3am every night it wakes me up and I cant get back to sleep after that.
I also notice I get hair shedding at around the 8 week mark…it goes away after stopping the rad.
If it wasn’t for the hair shedding I would use RAD more often.

I’ve tried LGD and felt extremely suppressed within 2 weeks so that is a no go for me personally.
Ostarine is decent but at 25mg per day I end up with major body acne. 10mg per day is fine but the results are more subtle.
MK-677 (not really a sarm) is legit but at 25mg you can have lots of water retention. Goes away fast after stopping.
RAD/MK-677/Mod-grf/Ipam is an amazing combo for recomp

Just my 2 cents.
Agree 100%. Best gains I’ve ever had were with 300 mg Test Cyp along with Rad-140. Pumps were insane. Biggest downside is that I had pretty bad lethargy about 3-4 weeks in. I looked like a monster though. Also, it’s been awhile and I’m not sure where to even get legit Rad anymore.
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New member
The hair loss on Rad-140 was insane for me. Worse than Winstrol. I’ve never seen that with any other non-steroidal sarm - but there it was.

I stopped after a few days.
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New member
greenman" pid='7695' dateline='1523734910:
Personally I love RAD. Feel great on it, within a few weeks on it’s very obvious my body has changed.
Pumps are great, energy is great, muscle gain is great, libido is great…only downside I’ve had is it affects my sleep.
Around 3am every night it wakes me up and I cant get back to sleep after that.
I also notice I get hair shedding at around the 8 week mark…it goes away after stopping the rad.
If it wasn’t for the hair shedding I would use RAD more often.

I’ve tried LGD and felt extremely suppressed within 2 weeks so that is a no go for me personally.
Ostarine is decent but at 25mg per day I end up with major body acne. 10mg per day is fine but the results are more subtle.
MK-677 (not really a sarm) is legit but at 25mg you can have lots of water retention. Goes away fast after stopping.
RAD/MK-677/Mod-grf/Ipam is an amazing combo for recomp

Just my 2 cents.
Where are you getting your RAD?

Vkngbbr" pid='26969' dateline='1538441938:
greenman" pid='7695' dateline='1523734910:
Personally I love RAD. Feel great on it, within a few weeks on it’s very obvious my body has changed.
Pumps are great, energy is great, muscle gain is great, libido is great…only downside I’ve had is it affects my sleep.
Around 3am every night it wakes me up and I cant get back to sleep after that.
I also notice I get hair shedding at around the 8 week mark…it goes away after stopping the rad.
If it wasn’t for the hair shedding I would use RAD more often.

I’ve tried LGD and felt extremely suppressed within 2 weeks so that is a no go for me personally.
Ostarine is decent but at 25mg per day I end up with major body acne. 10mg per day is fine but the results are more subtle.
MK-677 (not really a sarm) is legit but at 25mg you can have lots of water retention. Goes away fast after stopping.
RAD/MK-677/Mod-grf/Ipam is an amazing combo for recomp

Just my 2 cents.
Agree 100%. Best gains I’ve ever had were with 300 mg Test Cyp along with Rad-140. Pumps were insane. Biggest downside is that I had pretty bad lethargy about 3-4 weeks in. I looked like a monster though. Also, it’s been awhile and I’m not sure where to even get legit Rad anymore.
Were are did you get your RAD? I’d like to try some real RAD.
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