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Active member
Are you from Europe or been there ?

Over 1.2g test I feel like shit
Been there many times and have trained with guys from there
Total juiceheads
Crazy they love American juice and we loved the French theramex heptylate amazing stuff!
If you do a few weeks at 1.2-2g a week split shots you will see that it doesn’t phase you anymore

They had a way of saying you don’t go up in hundred mg you go up in grams only
So they believe in 1g or 2g or 3g and so on
No 1.5 or 2.5 the half grams are wasted lol

Btw this is only for English or north Europe but Italian Greeks or French love the anabolics and not so much test
So they will use a lot of primo and anavar


Well-known member
Verified Source
What is the easiest way to place/display an order for the B2G1 especially if it is mix and matched?
Order can be placed as follows for the B2G1.
If you are getting your free item the same as the 2 you purchased you can layout like this
3x Test-e=$80 (B2G1)
If your Free item is different it can be layed out like this.
2x Test-e=$80
1x Tren-a=(B2G1)
and so on.
Thank you for taking the time to ask. AG


Welp I tried the combo of 100 mg Anadrol with 20 mg halotestin

It made me very angry irritable too irritable to effectively workout lol so I will try 50 mg Anadrol and 10 mg halo

I also have checque so I will try 50 Anadrol with the cheque


Active member
Welp I tried the combo of 100 mg Anadrol with 20 mg halotestin

It made me very angry irritable too irritable to effectively workout lol so I will try 50 mg Anadrol and 10 mg halo

I also have checque so I will try 50 Anadrol with the cheque
No such thing as too irritable to train lol


Well-known member
No such thing as too irritable to train lol
Hahah yeah I finished my workout just at first the combination of my crazy ass pre workout + 100 mg adrol + 20 mg halo had me buzzed out like a angry zombie ! At first at least ! But it mellowed down and the pumps were intense but my blood pressure rose but nothing extreme … I read horror stories about halo making ppl angry and unstable… but it wasn’t so bad


Active member
Hahah yeah I finished my workout just at first the combination of my crazy ass pre workout + 100 mg adrol + 20 mg halo had me buzzed out like a angry zombie ! At first at least ! But it mellowed down and the pumps were intense but my blood pressure rose but nothing extreme … I read horror stories about halo making ppl angry and unstable… but it wasn’t so bad
I take 2-3 anadrol before training lol


New member
I just wanted to write a review here. I have order a bunch of stuff from Aztec. Test c, test e, hcg, primo and masteron e(haven’t tried this one yet) oh and I almost forgot the var. everything has come quickly with no issue and damn the var is strong. No problem what so ever on my end and good service I use them for everything unless they don’t carry something specific


Well-known member
Verified Source
I just wanted to write a review here. I have order a bunch of stuff from Aztec. Test c, test e, hcg, primo and masteron e(haven’t tried this one yet) oh and I almost forgot the var. everything has come quickly with no issue and damn the var is strong. No problem what so ever on my end and good service I use them for everything unless they don’t carry something specific
I appreciate the review Im glad you are happy with the products and service. Remind of this review on your next order and i will give you a free bottle of test. Thanks for sharing with the community. AG


Well-known member
So basically I have been a buyer of @azteca for a year now.

My constants were

Sustanon (300-1 g)

Trestolone (150-400 mg )

Primo (400-800 mg )

Masteron p (300-700 mg )

Tren e (150-250)

Anavar )60-100 mg

Anadrol 50-100 mg

Dianabol 50-100 mg

Gh 4-8 iu

Igf 100-150 mcg

My feedback as all products Azteca

Sus is my fav test … trestolone I used so much it was amazing at first but after being on it for a year on n off I guess I built a tolerance to it so I’ll give trestolone a break however it is by far in my opinion the best mass gaining oil next to test and tren without many sides

Tren only works great for me when I have taken a long break

Anadrol is my favorite oral but over time it can be harsh

Dbol I love the fullness it gives

So moving forward I will try to bulk on

High sus 1g or so
As my only oil
With Anavar 100 mg Ed
High gh 5-8 iu with igf

Don’t want to use ment or tren currently


Active member
So basically I have been a buyer of @azteca for a year now.

My constants were

Sustanon (300-1 g)

Trestolone (150-400 mg )

Primo (400-800 mg )

Masteron p (300-700 mg )

Tren e (150-250)

Anavar )60-100 mg

Anadrol 50-100 mg

Dianabol 50-100 mg

Gh 4-8 iu

Igf 100-150 mcg

My feedback as all products Azteca

Sus is my fav test … trestolone I used so much it was amazing at first but after being on it for a year on n off I guess I built a tolerance to it so I’ll give trestolone a break however it is by far in my opinion the best mass gaining oil next to test and tren without many sides

Tren only works great for me when I have taken a long break

Anadrol is my favorite oral but over time it can be harsh

Dbol I love the fullness it gives

So moving forward I will try to bulk on

High sus 1g or so
As my only oil
With Anavar 100 mg Ed
High gh 5-8 iu with igf

Don’t want to use ment or tren currently
Take tudca for heptox of the drol

Also tell me more on the trestolone
I beleive. The best for power and size is high dose test and anadrol over the years


Take tudca for heptox of the drol

Also tell me more on the trestolone
I beleive. The best for power and size is high dose test and anadrol over the years
I definitely believe higher test adds more mass .

It seems with dbol and Anadrol the gains are borrowed meaning u don’t really retain them .

Trestolone it seems works amazing when ur new to it but maybe that’s with all or most androgens . It’s definitely a bulker with water retention .


Active member
I definitely believe higher test adds more mass .

It seems with dbol and Anadrol the gains are borrowed meaning u don’t really retain them .

Trestolone it seems works amazing when ur new to it but maybe that’s with all or most androgens . It’s definitely a bulker with water retention .
Thanks man
Might check it out


Well-known member
What are you all thoughts on boldenone or bold cyp ? How do you guys feel mentally on it and physically ?