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Strength Gains and Losses on Anabolics

Hey guys, just wanted to go over some detailed progress information for everyone out there regarding strength gains on Anabolics

So, my first cycle was a prohormone cycle called vitamin X. 8 weeks. A bunch of DHT stuff

I went from 210 BW with these lifts
275ish bench/ 405 squat / 475 deadlift ; had always kind of just mini bulked and cut and I spent four years natural. Took the prohormones in college at age 18.5

After the 8 week cycle and lots of college meal plan food I was 227lbs and I did the Layne Norton PH3 program

All of my accessories and volume was way up, and my maxes were at 335 bench paused (from touch and go, and I probably had more) 500 wrapped squat (again probably had more) and a 575 sumo deadlift that was grindy as fuck

I PCTd with clomid for a few weeks and hopped right back on another prohormone stack called TITAN, another multi compound blend that was nice and powerful. During this time I also abused lots of marijuana and mushrooms, and was not taking my training serious at all. My strength was roughly the same if I had to estimated and my physique leaned out without really trying as I wasn't eating specifically to any goal and therefore much less. I remember a late night high as fuck workout putting up 275x12 on bench lol. So hard to say but the stuff worked very well no doubt.

Now, I ended up just homeless bumming around after I ran out of money and was sitting around all day smoking dabs and ciggies on the floor of the trap house. Not my proudest moment. I checked myself into drug rehab and was 155lbs. Lol. The timespan of witch took about 2 months to shrink down, again with no training and very very little food. Like I said I was eating popsicles and handfuls of cereal lol because I didn't give a crap.

The drug rehab program had a YMCA pass we could earn and progress from one day a week to three days a week. I also had a pull-up bar with me, wich I tooks advantage of. Naturally, I quickly rebounded to 170lbs with the healthy meals provided, and by the first day back in the gym I was at 225/315/didn't deadlift... By the end of the month I was doing 225x8 and huge dropsets on squat, didn't maxout. So it is possible to gain back naturally. I was also about 190lbs.

After this, I ran the titan prohormone again, but only the four week version. Again, quickly added strength and size back to my physique. I can quite remember exactly what my strength was at but I know it worked well.

Shortly afterwards I delved into my first anabolic cycle.

Test, EQ, and Anadrol
The cycle was 475 test, 400 EQ, and anadrol 30mg tablets titrated up over 3 weeks (90ct bottle)

I can't quite remember where my lifts were but I remember going from 100sx5 on incline dumbbell to repping then for 11 in a single week of Anadrol. It was so juicy. I fell in love. I dropped the EQ about a month in because of the extreme anxiety.

By the end of this cycle I was at 365 bench, 455x11 squat, and 600x2 on deadlift, with again, lots of increases in overall volume and accessories work strength. Was weighing 220lbs.

I ended the cycle with a few weeks of Deca, and ended up breaking the vial on accident. I went to a job school program so there weren't any anabolics permitted there. Slowly, I lost weight and strength, but was able to keep lots of it. Three months off, I was at 195lbs and still at 330/455/600, libido came back after a few months. I'd say overall I was lucky to recover. No PCT either. Hard to say how much you keep because after this I quit lifting for a few months. My friend had some dumbbells and I picked some dbol up and got back to it lol. I can't really remember too much at this point but that turned into a 300 test 300 Deca cycle. I quickly regained all my strength, and it was some of the most quality gear I ever got my hands on.

Now enters trenbolone. Even at 200mgs this stuff fucking kicks.

I was at a 635 deadlift before tren. After a month I PRd on my first ever 675. Shit rocks your fucking socks off.

Biggest downside was the acne. Still have mad scars over my back and takes accutane to fix.

Anyways I experimented on and off, using tren ace ni more than 50mg EOD, Deca at 200, Sustanon at 250, and randomly popping orals PWO. Dbol, anadrol, halotest. Not heavy doses either. But we get to those. This went on for 3-4 months. Maxed out somewhere again (keep in mind I'm not training for powerlifting) around 220 BW with 385/600/675x4, turning homeless and HRTing with 5mg dbol and I think a small amount of Proviron, making my return to the gym about two months later having dropped down quickly to 315/455/500, with some bodyweight stuff in the mix and TRX bands.

So, it seems the threshold are for me is somewhere around that 315/455/500 range of I come off anabolics and don't train, otherwise if I train probably hold onto it longer but I haven't done that. Usually time off anabolics always equated to time out of the gym. But not always vice versa.

Now, here's when things got very juicy. I call this the experimental phase. I started with a normal stack and just started adding in everything and anything. I'm not going to go over specific protocol for safety reasons but let's say I went full Eric lillibridge.

I didn't even train for powerlifting and I was totalling 1800+ raw on a weekly basis, bulked up to and maintained over 250lbs lean, and was kind steroid junky. Good stuff.

The gains kept around and I dropped down to 220ish while resuming normal dosing protocol.

Then I had another hiatus, and lots of meth smoking and foggy memory in-between. Would not reccomend.

Anyways I tried starting two cycle now and would only get about a month into them before smoking a shit ton of meth and not remembering what happened. No bueno.

Here's to be being sober.

I'm back on the sauce, if you follow my log, I'm 9 days in following up 12 days of yk11 and some pheraplex prohormone, after being off and put of the gym since 11/10.

Already somewhere around that point of 330/500/545 (estimating here, but fairly sure I'm accurate when accounting for things) with hopes to hit all time PBs again, but my focus is going to be arm wrestling stuff so if I can do that I'll be happy.

Anyways steroids work good. Lol.