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Test Pro and mast


New member
I was just wondering if a test masteron and proviron cycle makes sense or should I add a “wet” compound to even out DHT. First timer on stacking stuff btw.
What’s your goal with stacking them with testosterone, and why are you even considering adding another anabolic on top of it all?


New member
For a Recomp I want to keep my strength and add a little bit of solid mussel tissue while losing fat I power lifted for a long time n thought fat was strong but now I wanna shred. I’m at 28% ish body fat any suggestions. Thank you man


Active member
Have you used proviron and masteron before?
Yeah. Very recently, I run mast with everything and proviron feels completely different to me. Just because both are dhts doesn't mean they're going to effect you the same. Pro is just like the icing on the cake but it's not going to add strength or size. Adds libido, hardness and dryness for me, some vascularity and good mental effects