Steroid Source Talk

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Recent content by 10gramsuvtrenEOD

  1. 1

    Tren live up to the hype?

    Yup. end of week one on tren ace 400 ew, what’s going through my head? "Fucking Christ this stuff is serious "
  2. 1


    does anyone else get vivid fucked up dreams on higher doses or on certain compounds? or know any remedy for this or is it just part of it.
  3. 1

    Why am I raging

    I’m OFF of everything just on 250 test a week why am I getting irate about small stupid things like I’m on tren? I also am feeling really sad at times about things like not having a significant other. While I’m on other stuff it’s easy for me to say"don’t need anyone I’ like being alone no one...
  4. 1

    Critique my up coming cycle babes

    week 1-11 800 test/week 700 eq/week 600 npp/week drol 25 ed 50 75 50 25 (5 weeks) week 12-22 900 test/week 500 tren/week 500 mast/week week 16-22 900 test/week 600 tren/week 600 mast/week winstrol 25 50 75 50 25 (5 weeks) i will wait 4 weeks before i pct **give suggestions for pct as well...
  5. 1

    Numb hands

    has anyone experienced numb hands or feet on any orals?
  6. 1

    Tren prices

    so why are some sources tren almost half the price of others? is it a get what you pay for thing? what are some anecdotal s on some of the $25 a bottle tren vs some of the $40 a bottle tren you guys have noticed
  7. 1

    Anavar or Winstrololol

    who prefers what, why, dose preference, have you ever taken too much and said WOAH there speed racer? appetite? pumps? endurance? boners? strength? vascularity? side not: dbol made me hungry as fiokk at 50mg/day second side not: got deep tissue done today. got a boner thanks babez
  8. 1

    When to tren

    how many cycles in or “blasts” did you guys start tren and at what mg ?
  9. 1

    Anyone compete?

    curious to see who on here competes bodybuilding physique classic woman’s classes (don’t think there are very many women here if any but if so please chime in!!) me: bodybuilding, i don’t have the structure or desire for classic or physique AND I LOVE TO STAND ON STAGE IN AS LITTLE CLOTHING AS...
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    Cash App users for bitcoin

    so i kept trying and trying to buy farkenn btc like normal on cash app and kept saying transfer declined. well i removed my bank from the app signed out of the app and made a whole new account BUT! now the word bitcoin isn’t ANYWHERE in the app. anyone know what the fyke is up ?
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    Dbol dosage

    So this is my first go with dbol, right now running 600 test ew and PLANNED on 30mg dbol ed. well idk why the fak i thought these tabs were 10mg but they are in fact 25mg. I started two days ago but luckily only took 2 per day since starting instead of 3. btw these tabs are fukon tiny and...
  12. 1


    PPL finally stocked us domestic orals for those who didn’t know.